
The importance of creative hobbies and why you need one!

Creativity has almost become a buzzword. Used by millennial hipsters in Tinder bios to support images of latte leaves and painted overalls. Perhaps this is why we shy away from questions about our own creativity, choosing to hide behind self-deprecating statements instead. Masked minimisations of “I wish I could, but no I can’t draw” or “yeah I like to hum along but I can’t sing” cause a self-critical narrative leading even those with the talent to bask in the shade of false humbleness. Take a look at why it’s important to have a creative hobby and why you need one stat!

Learn To Love The Shit Out Of Your Business

Is the relationship you have with your business loving? Are you treating it with the tenderness and care it deserves, or are you in a toxic AF relationship with your brand you see no out of? What if we told you the relationship you could have with your business could be amazing? Read on friends.. we got you!!

5 Things I do without fail every January

January. The first month of the year, a new slate and a feeling of “I can do anything” washes over us. If you’re anything like me the new month means for you a chance to get organised and make a plan to slay the year ahead, but not until I’ve done these 5 things…

5 simple hacks to make you more productive

Scrolling through socials knowing only too well you’ve a mountain of work to get to? Overwhelmed by all the things that need doing, but here you are putting it off none the less? We’re productivity experts here at CLS and getting shit done is our specialty. Check out these hot tips from Brianna on how you can improve your productivity and life!

Why you should be avoiding mass commercialisation

Chances are, if you have ever watched the news or been on social media, you have heard the term “Climate crisis”. But what actually is it? How does it affect us? Check this article from Chanel out on Why you should be avoiding be avoiding mass commercialisation