Having a business slump. What you need to do LESS this year!

Have you ever woken up and realised that your business isn’t where you want it to be? Perhaps it’s a matter of your mindset or your overall approach, which is quite common, especially when transitioning into a new financial year. If you’re feeling a bit stuck and seeking some guidance, or if you’re simply curious to hear my insights, then keep on reading!

Although the end of the financial year isn’t really the end of the year, you can treat it as a time to reflect on how you and your business have been doing since last June/July. I myself have done some reflection and uncovered some personal things that I think we all need to do less of in the next year in order to be more successful. So keep on reading if you’re feeling a little stuck and want some advice, or if you’re just curious to hear my thoughts! 

  1. Giving in to energy vampires

There are unfortunately people in this world that want nothing less than to suck all your precious energy from you to use for either their own gain or your demise. The worst part about an energy vampire is a lot of the time they are unaware that they are doing so. If you’re not sure what I mean by energy vampire, I’m talking about those people that constantly demand your time, energy, presence, or advice all without giving you anything in return. All they seem to focus on is what matters to them and how YOU can help them achieve it. So, rather than giving in to these people, start to pull back a little and see how they respond. Because like I said, sometimes people are unaware they are behaving like this, so if you start to tune your energy back towards yourself and they let it happen that person may just be an arms length relation. But if you start to pull back your energy and they come attacking you, claiming you are abandoning them or whatever language manipulators use – it might be time to cut them off (at least for a little while). While this may sound harsh, your energy is precious! It is so important to protect your peace where you can and savor all that goodness to funnel into something worthwhile for YOU not others. 

  1. Speaking negatively to yourself

This one is so important! We are often the first to put ourselves down but in reality we need to be the one building ourselves up. This can be applied to any situation, whether it is work related, self-image related, relationship (romantic or platonic) or any other scenario where you need some extra confidence, back yourself! Be there for yourself! Treat yourself with as much kindness as you probably dish out to others. You will find once you shift your self talk from degrading to positive there will be a shift in your life and the way you feel inside. That promotion you were angling for will fall into your lap, your business that hasn’t made it off the ground yet will start to grow little legs, your relationships will be better and the weight of life will become a bit easier to carry. 

  1. Being afraid to start over

Starting over is something that all of us surely find a little daunting, no matter the situation. It is really challenging to leave something behind that you poured so much into, whether that is money, energy, physical labour – the list goes on. But sometimes the things that we love so much must come to an end to allow for something new and wonderful to be able to blossom. There is a certain power in knowing when to call it quits on something. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all the effort you put in was for nothing, sometimes a change is just needed. If you can’t recognise when something is no longer working, and you keep holding tight to it, it will eventually run aground and then you will be forced to start over anyway – so why not make that new start happen on your terms. Think of starting over as another step forward rather than a step backwards, you have learned so much through your past experiences so use these to your advantage and be courageous! 

  1. Worrying what others will think of you 

Are you craving a sort of freedom in your life? Do you constantly worry what people will think or say about your actions? I’m going to let you in on a secret – almost all the freest people in the world don’t care what others think of them. They know that once you release the expectation of being liked and admired by everyone you create space for a different kind of energy and create a more successful feedback loop for yourself. You will find yourself taking more risks and doing what you truly believe in rather than quietly following the status quo and colouring inside the lines if you get my meaning. We live in a society that puts so much pressure on not making any waves, but my advice is make those waves and make them as disruptive as possible. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by not caring what people think of you. You can start small with something like your appearance, do that crazy hair colour you have always wanted, wear that outfit you never thought others would like on you. From there, grow your ideas, put them into your business ideas and practice. This is how a niche is created and you will surely find success by following your internal compass with truth and clarity. 

  1. Doubting you can make an impact

This one is definitely a little hard in the world we live in, I won’t lie. But you need to stop doubting yourself! If you have always had a million dollar business idea living inside your head but you think you won’t be able to achieve it or get it to take off, think again. You would be surprised (well maybe not) at how many super successful businesses started as just ideas in people’s heads. So what makes you think you can’t go down the same route? You can also apply this idea to positive change. If you see things via media or in your real life that you believe should change, start that conversation, start that movement. Your small moment of bravery and self-belief may just inspire another and another and another and before you know it you have created something wonderful. You might just be one little fish but your jump could make more ripples than you ever imagined.

After reading all that, if you don’t have the slightest idea how to start making these steps in the right direction, we at Creative Little Soul can help! Chrissy can give you 1 on 1 coaching to help you break free from your old mindset and set you and your business up to be more successful. So don’t hesitate to get in touch and better yourself this next year!