Creative Cast Episode 4

This week it’s a general chit chat and catch up with the boss lady about what’s happening in business, the struggles of being a creative, what’s going on in our world and where you can expect to see us..

Creative Cast Episode 4

Life has been a bit on the crazy side here the past few weeks as we’ve not only been busy working on some new clients, getting some projects over the line but there was a short stint in hospital which made for some forced rest.

Feeling great for the most part and am hanging for Marissa to get back from her much needed holiday. I have missed here and there will be plenty for her to catch up on.

This week’s podcast is a bit all over the place and not on one specific topic but rather a bit of a wrap  up with what’s been happening, what’s going on in the world and what we’ve seen going on online. There’s a bit of banter regarding, social media, blog and content posts, having business related breakdowns and questioning your reason or purpose in life along with what and when we’ll be doing in South Australia in September.

Have a listen, provide some feedback, ask questions and we’ll be sure to answer them.



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