We are delighted to welcome Creative Little Soul’s newest crew member to our ever-growing marketing agency. Introducing Creative Little Soul Marketing Assistant, Brianna Aaron.
Q&A with Creative Little Soul’s Content Creator and Marketing Assistant
Creative Little Soul (CLS) is an award-winning digital and creative marketing agency. We provide business support and creative services such as content creation, digital marketing strategies and design for our clients.
From humble beginnings, Chrissy Symeonakis established Creative Little Soul in 2013. Fast forward seven years and CLS is now a sizeable team, with each staff member bringing a wealth of talent into business. This in turn, serves our wonderfully varied client portfolio.
What is your role at Creative Little Soul?
Marketing Assistant
What was your first paying job, and what did it teach you?
My first paying job was babysitting. It taught me the value of responsibility and being able to adapt to situations that come my way. I also learned patience and how to be assertive.
What tertiary education have you completed?
I have a Bachelor in Media (Screen and Sound Production, minoring in Art History and Theory).
Where did you work prior to landing your job at CLS?
At BONDS as a Retail Assistant.
What do you do to stay motivated at work? (Do you have a productivity hack you can share with us?)
I like to make a list with little squares next to each item, as I complete my tasks, I tick the box. I found giving myself a physical way to keep myself accountable has worked really well. The way I see it, the longer the list the more boxes I get to tick.
What is your favourite social media platform and why?
I like to use Instagram as it has so many aspects to it. I use it to keep up with friends and share my life but I also can find recipes, outfit and nail inspiration, life hacks, new businesses, funny videos and so much more. I also think the way the platform is laid out is good and very user friendly.
Have you been impacted by COVID? Has living and dealing with a restricted life transformed you? (Have you changed/grown as a person during this really challenging time?)
I can definitely say I have been impacted by COVID and would like to think that I have grown. Since I am quite extroverted, the on and off lockdown lifestyle has been challenging. So, I have needed to find peace with being by myself and trying to focus on the present as the future has been uncertain for some time now. I have enjoyed creating a routine for myself with the extra time on my hands and have found new ways to exercise without gyms or gym equipment. I believe I am more adaptable now than I was pre-pandemic.
Can you share with us where you go looking for inspiration?
I look to my friends for inspiration a lot. I also look online across various platforms but a lot of the time I don’t actively seek out inspiration, it usually is sparked by accident. When I’m really stuck I like to listen to music too, sometimes a line or the feeling the music evokes inspires me.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I like to sing, play the keyboard, and dance. This year I have also gotten back into reading. I like to be active and go to the beach as well.
What kind of music do you enjoy?
Mostly R&B. I also like musical soundtracks and rap.
Where’s one place on your bucket list to travel to?
Fave Disney Princess/ Character and why?
I like Moana, her singing voice is so pretty, and her confidence is great. She listens to her instincts and finds herself while helping her community along the way. Flynn Rider is also a favourite as I think he complements the story so well and is nice comic relief.
At CLS, we are very focused on self-care. Can you share with us some of the things you do to look after yourself that keeps you in a good place to take on the challenges of daily life?
I have recently started using a Gua Sha tool as a part of my morning skincare routine and have really been enjoying that. I take my vitamins each morning with my coffee and that sets me up pretty nicely too. Having a creative outlet (in my case singing) is amazing at keeping my mood uplifted too.
Expect to see Brianna working on client projects, schooling us on the importance of video and working across all the things at Creative Little Soul.