Let’s talk about creative burnout. When you work in the creative industry such as the arts, marketing, design or writing, it is vital to learn ways to crack job fatigue to ensure you are performing to the best of your ability.
Here at CLS, we are a team of creatives with diverse career backgrounds and knowledge in industries across the board, ranging from hospitality, tech and entertainment. Working together collaboratively and creatively is in the essence of what we do, so it is essential to keep creative fatigue at bay so we can perform and achieve results for our clients. We’ve pulled together some tips to overcome creative burnout to ensure you can produce high quality, amazing work for your clients too.

- Change the way you consume media and seek fresh inspiration. If you’re feeling mentally stuck in the mud when brainstorming, why not pick up some different magazine or book to get some new perspective and creativity? Check out different article platforms or access old archives. You’ll be surprised how much creativity will spark from a variety of sources that are out of your comfort zone.
- Begin your creative process with zero expectation. Release the pressure and anxieties of perfectionism and just go with the flow. This is easier said than done when working to tight deadlines, but sometimes things align so much better when you release the pressure on yourself. Allow your brain to flow through different thought patterns rather than sticking to solely one rigid idea.
- Look after yourself first. If you are feeling all kinds of anxiety because of looming deadlines and lack of inspiration, check in with yourself. How are you feeling mentally and physically? Do something that calms your mind so you can think more clearly, such as a morning/evening routine. Spending the day before your week kicks off hydrating your body, it sounds simple but drinking lots of water will allow you to feel more energised the next day. A few simple steps like this can help with overall brain fog and clarity.
- Have fun while you work. Start creating outside of your comfort zone and believe that no idea is ‘too much.’ It can be energizing to throw ideas around with your work friends in a group, sharing different perspectives and viewpoints to come up with an epic idea. You have so much to bring to the table!
- Ditch your project for a day. There is nothing worse than staring at a blank screen waiting for a creativity idea to come. If this is you, walk away from your screen and do something completely different. A walk to your favourite nature park or to the beach works wonders to clear your mind. Otherwise, immerse yourself in the creativity of others; visit an art gallery, read a book, listen to a podcast or watch an inspiring Netflix show. “Sleep on it” is an age old phrase that works. Why not ditch your idea for the day, have a good rest and revisit your project with a fresh new start the following day. You’ll feel better for it.
Still feeling a bit stuck? Check out our Creative Little Soul Scents. These pint size essential oil roller balls are designed as the perfect pick me up and your secret weapon for when you need a little liquid creativity to get you going. Order yours here.