Six steps to slay socials, from someone that knows!!

So many businesses find the idea of Social Media daunting and will often pop it in the too hard basket.  Whether your a novice or n00b, we’ve broken it down for you with these  six easy steps so you can slowly start to Slay Social Media and all its intricacies.

  1. Choose Your Social

When starting it’s always wise to choose 1 or 2 Social Media platforms to focus on, this means you can begin to master your chosen platforms and focus without being spread too thin. I would always recommend Instagram and Facebook as the two Social Media platforms to start with.

  1. Know Your Voice

Knowing your voice is all about your brand identity, what it is that makes your business and brand unique, and then conveying that through images, video and text. This will dictate what your images look like, what you say on Instagram, Facebook etc, the vibe and feel of your videos and how you talk to your followers and clients.


  1. Content is Key

What you post e.g. video content, images, share links, advice etc needs to be specific to your audience and most importantly on brand with your voice. Video content needs to be catchy and engaging, and images need to be clear, striking and tell a story. Sharing tips or info is also a fantastic way of engaging with your audience, by offering them your expertise and knowledge, you gain a loyal follower/client.



  1. Be Consistent

It’s great to post content but you also need to be consistent with your posts. If people are visiting your social pages and the posts are sporadic they’ll stop having a reason to visit. You need to give followers fresh and engaging content consistently, and in return they’ll become loyal, engaged followers and share with their own friends and followers.



  1. Interact with Your Audience

Don’t just post and forget about it. Engage with your followers and audience. When people comment on your post, respond to each comment. Engaging with them shows you appreciate them taking the time to watch, view or read what you’ve posted. This engagement is what will grow a visitor into a loyal client or follower.



  1. Be Prepared

Plan your posts! I can’t stress this enough. If you plan your weekly or monthly posts then you’ll always post. Planning helps ensure you know what your Instagram feed looks like. This will mean that the flow and design of your feed will be beautiful and not haphazard. This also means you can plan ahead for special events and promotions, but most of all you won’t be panicking trying to find a post.

While there’s plenty to know about social media, the best way to learn is to jump in and try. Be sure to sign up if you’d like to keep up to date about social media trends, tricks, and some amazing events Chrissy and I have in the works. We hope these few steps will empower you to go forth, and slay like we know you can!! ?



About Arrnott:

Arrnott Olssen is the Editor of Australian Men’s Lifestyle site, and an accomplished Fashion Stylist and Content Creator who has worked with international brands like Ikea, AMEX, Adidas and Dior to name a few.

He’s passionate about sharing his Social Media knowledge and experience with brands and businesses equipping them with the keys to a successful Social Media presence. He’s also a writer, stylist and contributor at Creative Little Soul, and is available for collaborations, projects and support.  Be sure to sign up to receive updates about some exciting events this year hosted by Chrissy and Arrnott.

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