You’ve likely clicked into this blog and thought for a minute “Oh boy, she’s finally gone mad”. Quite the contrary friends, and it’s more a public service announcement if you will.
This time last year I was up to my ears in planning functions and events, planning peoples Christmas Parties and trying to explain to people that they needed to increase their food budget because that was no where enough to eat. Yep, coordinating multiple high volume venues and hundreds and thousands of people was stressful, but more in that I couldn’t control other people.
Despite how organised my run sheets were (and if anyone’s ever seen one, I run a tight tight ship- shit be organised and detailed), I’d still get phone calls on weekends and despite months of hard work, building a rapport with clients or working hard things still went wrong. It was demoralising and I hated the thought of walking in on a Monday morning. To see what shit storm I had walked into and what mess I had to clean up. There were usually 100 emails waiting for me and well the facebook comments and complaints would be numerous and then the phone would start ringing. It was demoralising, it was soul crushing and it was devestating. Despite the physical toll the loung hours and stress took on my body, stupidly I told myself that for all the hours I put in, the money I was making my company they would be proud and happy.
If they were I never heard about it. I was always just hard work and a head ache in their eyes no doubt because I would want everyone to aspire to my level or perfection and attention to detail. I fed myself this great line in that all the long days, and staying back would pay off in the long run – come winter I’d leave early (or on time) and it would all balance out. I resigned before then so the joke was on me now looking back.
I missed out on spending time with loved ones, I didn’t eat properly, I was ending up in hospital and was crying because I was so un happy that I’d try my hardest and others would fuck it up. I’d get asked “Are you having your period?” or told “You need to not take things so personally or get emotional”. Fact- People who love what they do usually get emotionally involved regardless of gender. Why was I getting made to feel like a bad guy for caring?? WTF!!!
I was certain that because the year prior I’d gotten a bonus, that this year I was in for a beauty. I had been making massive amounts of money, getting great feedback and comments from clients and everything was running like a well oiled machine. Christmas Eve, I’m not sure I even got a “goodbye”.
It was at this point I think, I come to realise that I was far too useful and valueable to not be valued or appreciated. That I knew my own self worth and I knew how I would treat an employee and staff member if they went above and beyond like that. Always know your worth and value it!
I did say then and ther to myself though, that come this time next year there was no way I’d be running events or functions or stepping foot in a venue. That’s true and while I’m busy and lots is going on I don’t even have to wear shoes somedays (and if you know me, I hate wearing shoes).
So am I bitter I didn’t get a bonus? Not at all, because it made me realise that I was worth so much better and to go on and do what I needed to do- which is this. I’m certain that anyone that works in a venue or business after I’ve been there, while they might be good, they’ll never be the same as me and you’ll hear “Oh but Chrissy did this”. Good – it means that I put my mark on a place and that I did a good job.
As we enter a time of the year that is high stress, fast paced and that there is lots going out in the mind of others, stop and think for a minute about those that are around you, evaluate the role and piece they play in your lives, your business or your brand. For a tiny minute remember to thank those that work for you, that contribute and also support you and be grateful for those individuals.
Because if you’re not careful then sure enough, and soon enough you just might the icing on the cake for them to walk away, and things might just suddenly fall to pieces for you. Don’t seek other peoples approval either, you’ll be much happier too. Lesson learnt (of many)…
PS. I really liked the image of these apples which was the inspiration for this blog. Haha try it some time.
PPS. It costs nothing to tell someone they’re valued, doing a good job or to just generally be a good human being every day of the year. Try it, it’s enriching to both your own and others lives.
So this December is the first time in a long time I actually feel sane, so what a blessing that was or who know’s what kinds of hot platters I’d be discussing.
Until next time,