It’s all been happening over here at Creative Little Soul HQ, so rather than fly into an informative blog today, I’ll head into a bit about what’s been happening here and what’s on the cards over the next few weeks. You’ll be pleased to know that there will be a bit of a reprieve for you dear readers in having to read my posts all the time. I’ve lined up some very talented guest bloggers and industry friends of mine along with people I don’t know but are awesome at what they do. They’ll be brining you a range of topics and their take on things which will not only keep you informed but entertained. These introductions and posts will start appearing soon on the page and I’m really looking forward to these additions.
Our team is growing and we’ve some really great people involved here. Everyone that I work with and let into my inner circle to represent my business and what I do are all those I have a personal relationship with. I’ve worked with them before, they get my ethos and what I’m about and they have the same enthusiasm, passion and creative inner workings and soul too. I run a pretty tight ship and everyone knows that I’m a stickler for attention to detail, consistency and also creating great working relationships and a diverse and collaborative environment. The dream team is almost completed but we’re always looking for others to join us. I’m excited for what we can all together with our powers combined. Watch this space!
I’ve picked up quite a bit of business via word of mouth and recommendation. Thank you to those of you that have suggested me to people. My little brother Andy is seriously by biggest cheerleader and advocate for my business and brand! This kid I couldn’t be prouder of myself as not only does he have a business of his own, but 3 different brands under the one umbrella. Business and wanting to achieve and to march to the sound of your own drum are definitely in our blood! Check out his brands and business on my page! He has amazing products, a real passion and enthusiasm and he’s way nicer than me (lol I always get people say how lovely he is.. ) Go little brother!
I’m headed to South Australia later this month to facilitate 2 training sessions as part of the Made in Riverland initiative. This is a great programme which is providing the skills, support and training to those that live in regional areas. Ordinarily these residents don’t have access to the information training and information like we do in big cities. It’s providing people with that information, support and motivation and empowerment. It’s also giving them opportunities to embrace technology, get change with the times and also lift their game.
I’ll be heading up a session on Social Media for Small Business (we’ll be talking about the stuff that works, the proven fun and ways create engaging content and make your mark and be different in the market place). The other session is about Customer Service for Small Business. Having over 15 years in varied industries I’ve come to see what can and doesn’t work in customer service. How to build your client bases, build rapport, how to deal with those negative comments and now the era of instant online feedback…
This is an experience unlike any you’ve heard before. 2 hours with me in and intimate setting. Bring a pen and paper as you’re gonna want to hear what I have to say and there will be some funny stories no doubt. I’m pretty sure half the people in the room will be my family and my friends I’ve forced to come along lol but will be fun no doubt!
Quick meetings and catch up’s in Melbourne town, back home to hang with my grandma and have her feed me(this is seriously always the best part of a visit home) Then it’s off to Radelaide town scouting venues for one of my amazing clients. We’ll be sourcing the best of the best in entertainment, food and beverage and beauty, hair and “experiences”. We’re putting together packages for My Ultimate Hen’s. Adelaide this will be game changer! If you know of a cool spot or must go place or your local that’s amazing, we’d love to hear about it. Be sure to send us a hot tip. If we use it we’ll be sure to hook you up with something special!
For years I was always so career driven. To work my way up the ranks (always ruffling some feathers along the way as I was the “shake shit up” and get it done person) I think somewhere along the line we’re led to believe that we must do more, take on more and climb that “ladder”. The grand prize? More work, less time to yourself, more stress and bureaucratic bullshit! I think we’re at a place in time and technology where having your own business is much easier, where you can monetize a hobby or skill and do your own thing. That we’re thinking for ourselves more and that we’re taking risks! I encourage you all to do that!
Quitting my job, taking a risk and jumping into the unknown to follow my dreams and passions was the best thing I’ve probably ever done! I’ve never thought clearer, been more passionate or excited! Would you believe that the final nail in the coffin/ tipping point of why I quit (though not the only reason) was to do with an Instagram post. We refer to it as “instagate”. A series of criticisms about how myself and team were managing instagram accounts. About the imagery, the hashtags, the emojis! That we were doing it wrong; by someone with little knowledge or experience in the area.
Never compromise yourself and question your self-worth! Know that if you’re good at something and there are others that hang onto every word you say about things and that let you do what you do without question because you’re the best at it! We’ll go be with and around those people. Ps. My instagram and social media game in general is on point, so it had to be done and my clients love my #game and results I get them.
I’ve never been driven my money or greed, but more by helping people and for the want of seeing them succeed. I am genuinely happy when people I’ve worked with are at a point where we can part ways or scale back my involvement. That they have the skills and know how (if that’s what they required) to maintain and do things for themselves. It’s time then for me to meet someone else and for us to kick arse!
If you’re in business for the sole purpose to make money at any cost, well then we probably shouldn’t work together. I’m here to motivate, support, inspire and help people accomplish all they set out to while ticking my own boxes. The rest will come. Remember that and have that drive you to succeed!
Until next time thanks for reading, sharing, your ongoing support and believing in me. I’ve always believed in myself too, it’s now about seeing what lies ahead! I’m pretty sure it’s something really exciting and good!
Oh and yes, that is a mini me in that photo there 😀