email marketing

New Year, New Goals: Why I Love the Start of the Year

The start of a new year holds a special kind of magic—a fresh slate brimming with new opportunities, strategies, and ambitious goals. But for me, it’s more than just looking ahead; it’s also a time for reflection. I take a deep dive into the past year, analysing what worked, what didn’t, and what I want to improve as I map out my path forward.

Wrapping Up the Year & Festive Season Tips

If you’re reading this post, you’ve almost made it through the bustling holiday season. With all the festivities and end-of-year rush, it’s a time filled with both excitement and challenge. We hope you’ve got something fun planned for the holidays to recharge and celebrate. And if you’re among those powering through the season, keeping things running for everyone else, we salute your hard work and dedication!

2024 in Retrospect: Growth, Rebrands, and Looking Ahead

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what has been an exciting year of growth, innovation, and evolution for our team and clients. Over the past twelve months, we’ve navigated new challenges, embraced transformative opportunities, and strengthened our commitment to delivering exceptional results.

5 Ways to Market Your Events That Aren’t Social Media.

While social media is a popular tool for promoting events, it’s not the only option. If your target audience isn’t active on these platforms or you want to diversify your marketing approach, there are several effective strategies to consider. Drawing on her 20 years of experience in the events industry, Chrissy shares her recommendations to generate buzz and boost attendance for your events.

Voila! My E-Book has finally launched!

Yep, I finally wrote it after talking about it for years! This book is for people who have little to no knowledge about email marketing or those who are high-volume users who want to use more functionality and fast-forward to get the cheat code. I’d even recommend reading this book if someone does your email marketing for you, so you know at least what the metrics mean and what values are good or bad.