You’re probably saying out loud, “Oh no, not this woman again and here email marketing rants”, but I assure you the reason I’m so passionate about email marketing is that I see how it works and what ROI we get when we use it and let me explain why.
20-something years ago, I worked in Australia’s most prominent nightclub in the Southern Hemisphere as their publicity and membership coordinator. We were sending out old-school birthday cards to our members and patrons, and we wanted to convert them to members every week. Seeing how many returns to senders we received and the cost associated with print and postage, there had to be a far more cost-effective means of communication with our customers.
At the time, email was becoming more of a thing, yet unlike there is now, we didn’t have bulk email marketing systems or CRMS that we could bulk email. Yes, I’m that old! When we were using a membership card that patrons would swipe upon entry, they could load money onto for a cashless and more efficient UX at the bars and throughout the venue. We were collecting customer sales data but weren’t doing much with it. The company that had the app for our memberships was from Vegas as that’s where the technology was being used and championed. We asked, “Is there a way we can digitize and segment customer preferences? For example – if someone was drinking Grey Goose or Champagne, could we target offers and invitations to them and reach out via email”? So was born the first system I was involved in, which was custom-built for us to niche in on our demographics and then email out marketing emails for various purposes.
Being a part of that hands-on team to beta test the custom build was awesome, and what we were able to do communication-wise was amazing and very ahead of its time.
With a natural curiosity for tech and a love of data and what we can learn from it, I was always the person who would adopt or review new technologies and then roll them out for my venues or clients. My first port of call would always be to see what kind of database size was I working with, how could I tidy up the data and get more people into our communications pod, and then what could we send out to the right people and market to them based on past preferences, gender (yep this was the old days remember) and visit history and more.

I would create email-specific offers to track the redemption and measure the validity and worth of the system. So we could prove to our managers that this platform was for us working and why it was so essential for us to have a database growth strategy in place to not only grow our database but to account for any drop-offs and unsubscribes.
Over the past decade of having my own agency where email is one of the core fundamentals and tools in our marketing arsenal, I’ve been able to work even more on email marketing, beta testing for my friends at MyGuestlist and always being asked how the platform can improve or when new features were rolled out I was invited to test or try and break them.
I have created, tested, and sent millions if not billions of emails out for clients and I get the benefit of A/B testing, trying new communication and design trends, I get to see what works and what doesn’t and then I get to continue to refine my skills, get better open rates and click thru each and every time, because I look at all this data to see what we can learn from it.
I’ve written course prospectus for educational institutions about the topic, hosted short workshops or more in depth masterclasses for those wanting to hone in their skills and “pick my brain”. So it was only natural that at some point, I’d write the playbook for all things email marketing (or at the very least an intro to get you going)
This book is for people who have little to no knowledge about email marketing or those that are high-volume users who want to use more functionality and to fast-forward to get the cheat code.
I’d even recommend reading this book if someone does your email marketing for you, so you know at least what the metrics mean and what values are good or bad.
I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed nerding out while writing it. There was so much more I could have included, but that’s the second book or better at one of my online sessions.
If you have any questions or feedback or would like to chat about how my companies, Creative Little Soul and Creative Little Solutions, can provide you with email marketing campaigns or just a platform to use to create your emails, get in touch. We’d love to help and hear from you.
Purchase here: Email Marketing Essentials for Small Businesses – EBOOK — Chrissy Symeonakis
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