Media training, often associated with celebrities, politicians, and public figures, has long been seen as a niche skill reserved for those constantly in the public eye. However, the truth is that media training offers valuable lessons and techniques that are beneficial for everyone, not just the rich and famous. After teaching media training for years, the feedback is always that “I can use this in everyday life” and “this is something that I needed for my public speaking”.
Let’s explore what media training has taught us and why it’s a skillset worth considering for individuals in all areas of their lives:
Effective communication and nonverbal communication
Media training emphasises the importance of effective communication. It teaches individuals how to convey their message clearly, concisely, and persuasively. These skills are invaluable in both personal and professional settings. Whether you’re giving a presentation at work, speaking at a family gathering, or engaging in a job interview, the ability to articulate your thoughts effectively is a powerful asset. The key to this is ‘connection’; having a good connection with someone is the best way to communicate more effectively. Communication does not mean words; it means the power of utilising body language and eye contact to ensure that you can make a connection before you say one word. If you can master this form of communication, you will become more effective in all areas of communication.
“Communication is the solvent of all problems and is the foundation for personal development.” — Peter Shepherd

Confidence building
One of the key takeaways from media training is the boost in confidence. You are pulled out of your comfort zone, and you also need to be able to think outside the box. All elements of learning how to handle interviews, public speaking, or media appearances can instil confidence in your ability to handle high-pressure situations.
Handling criticism and tough questions
Media training equips individuals with strategies to handle criticism and difficult questions with ease and more professionally. In life, you might encounter situations where you need to respond to criticism or address challenging inquiries. Media training can help you remain composed and respond thoughtfully rather than reactively. Criticism should be part of everything that you do. You are never going to learn unless you are able to take criticism on the chin and roll with it. But with criticism comes being able to answer back without coming off as abrupt or even nervous. Media training is about learning to use it both to your advantage and to retain your composure when things are tough.
Crisis Management
Crisis management techniques are designed for staying composed, maintaining clarity and emotional control, conveying empathy, and learning to take control, all of which are crucial in handling PR disasters and fostering better relationships during personal challenges. These skills not only bolster professional success but also equip individuals to navigate life’s most demanding situations with resilience and decency.

Public speaking skills
Media training often has elements of public speaking coaching, so whether you’re speaking at a wedding, a community event, or a boardroom meeting, polished public speaking skills can captivate your audience and make a lasting impression.
Adapting to different audiences
Media training emphasises tailoring your message to different audiences. This adaptability is valuable in everyday life, whether you’re talking to children, colleagues, clients, or family members. Defining and understanding your audience is crucial for any public speaking role. Often, people get this wrong and find that they are communicating the wrong ideas to the audience and that they are missing the fundamentals of connection.
How to access media training
After consideration and request, Creative Little Soul will be offering media training in 2024. If you are interested, email Chrissy at, and we can let you know when the first course will start.
Our teacher, Amanda Paterson, has been teaching media training for 7 years, having done three courses over an 18-year span. Her knowledge stems from working in marketing for over 19 years and having to always present, talk to the media, and also have good communication skills in areas of business and connection.