As more and more people move into remote work in a post COVID19 world, it’s easy to get caught up in the pleasures of working from home, however it does come with its challenges. Whilst you can skip that dreaded morning commute, enjoy endless coffee to keep you going, and wear your slippers (who’s looking anyway), staying motivated and productive while working remotely is something we’ve all struggled with at some point. So here are our top insights into how to battle those challenges, make working remotely an asset to your professional life, and keep that good work-life balance that we all so desperately need.
Create an Effective Space
Did you know that according to Forbes over 12.7% of full time employees work from home in 2023, and over 28.2% work a hybrid model? That’s a lot of us creating and facilitating businesses and growing professionally all from home. One of the easiest ways to maximise your productivity when working from home is to create an effective space where you can thrive. Whilst it might seem like a good idea to work from your bed, it probably won’t end up all that effective in the long run. Studies show that working in a bed or even just your bedroom can confuse your brain’s reactions to sleep vs study. This means that when it’s finally time to sleep your body will have a harder time to relax and switch off as it’s been associating this environment with one of alertness and a work structure, and vice versa. To create an effective space it’s best to consider what works for you. Perhaps a home office to separate the relaxing from the working spaces? Or on those sunny days make the most of the vitamin D and set up shop outside in a quiet space where you can focus. Once your effective space is sorted, think about ways to motivate yourself. A great way to do this is to plan times where you can leave the house to get some fresh air like a walk around the block, see a friend, or even plan some self care activities to give yourself something to look forward to after a long day’s work. Finding what works for you can require a bit of trial and error but overall creating an effective space will physically and mentally set you up for success.

Manage Your Time Effectively
When working from home some days can flash by quicker than ever whereas others can drag on. As most people work from home alone, it can be challenging to manage your time and keep on track without being distracted or losing motivation. Putting strategies in place to manage your time is a great way to stay accountable and ensure you’re making the most of each day that passes. This could be as easy as creating a to-do list at the start of the week or day so you know the best way to delegate your time. Working from home comes with more flexibility than a standard office environment so make the most of this by managing both the time allocated to work and what you have to do for your household too. Setting aside time to plan out your long term goals and create a diary or calendar each week means you know what you’re setting out to achieve and what appointments, meetings or other disruptions you might encounter that will require you to rework your routine to remain on track. Managing your time effectively can be different for everyone but setting out some kind of structure and routine each day and week is a great way to get started to ensure no matter what is thrown at you, you can still be productive and stay motivated to the best of your ability.
Know your limits
We all know when you’re a business owner or professional in general, it’s pretty easy to become a work-a-holic. When your office is just a door away and clients can reach you at all hours it’s hard to switch off and shift from work-you to home-you. In a bit of a full circle way, knowing your limits and understanding the importance of switching off at times can significantly help improve your overall motivation and productivity when working from home. If you’re working yourself to the bone until late hours of the night, your productivity the next morning will take a hit. As working from home doesn’t usually come with set hours and structure like a traditional work setting, setting cut off times and knowing your limits will help greatly. This can be as simple as having a set time each day to leave your work space and go do things like make dinner, go for a walk, do some exercise or have a self care routine. Removing yourself physically will allow you to better relax and think more clearly, allowing for an increase in creativity and ability to maintain a more positive relationship with work. Knowing your limits can also mean taking regular breaks to stretch your legs, eat or just unwind, and can also mean actively trying to delegate tasks to others or outsource assistance to improve your whole businesses productivity and effectiveness.

It’s all about balance
As you’ve seen, working from home comes with challenges, but when these are overcome it can be such a great asset to your business and provide the flexibility that you need. The overarching way to stay motivated and productive at work all comes down to keeping a balance. When your home and work lives collide it can be harder to be as productive and motivated without separating them. Creating an effective space, managing your time effectively, and knowing your limits are just some of the ways you can create that balance and set yourself up for success when working from home.
If you’re looking for more guidance on managing your business, creating strategies, or just want to pick the brain of our work from home Queen Chrissy, book a coaching call with her now to get started today.