OK, let’s get real here, I know some people might not realise that all highlighted days are created to identify the issues and to create awareness for something you think is not important. Our busy lives create the woe of forgetfulness and also create barriers to what is really important. But without these special days, you wouldn’t know that there are issues in society that need highlighting, or you wouldn’t know that we need to support a charity that helps with creating unforgettable change.
International Women’s Day is one of these days and the premise of it is about change. Without this day we wouldn’t have women CEOS, the ability to vote or the ability to even work at all on a normal day for normal pay.
This is also a day to remember the amazing women that have made an impact either beside their husbands or paved the way on their own. Women like Lillian Disney who pushed Walt into making Disneyland and influenced the creation and the change of Mickey Mouse’s name which was originally meant to be Mortimer. Marie Curie was a pioneering physicist and scientist, who coined the term radioactivity, discovered two new elements (radium and polonium) and developed the portable x-ray machine. There are probably another 20 that I can name off the top of my head. But in all aspects of International Women’s Day, women have been making lasting changes that have been reflected throughout history as the best achievements in the world.
This is not to say that women have made any impact over men, it is to point out the obvious that equality at the forefront of this day means equally merited, equally lived and equally important to society.
The History:
If you want to read about the full history, here is the link to the official website: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Activity/15586/The-history-of-IWD.
The very first International Women’s Day was held in 1909 on March 19. Meetings and protests were held across Europe, with the largest street demonstration attracting 30,000 women. In 1913, IWD was moved to March 8 and has been held on this day ever since.
Australia’s first International Women’s Day was held in 1928 in Sydney. Organised by the Militant Women’s Movement, women called for equal pay for equal work, an 8 hour working day for shop girls and paid leave. The next year the event spread to Brisbane. In 1931, annual marches were launched in both Sydney and Melbourne and both marches continue to be held today.
Our Team:
For the first time since Creative Little Soul started it has an all-woman team, so we thought we would ask everyone what this day means to them?
I get both a sense of pride and sadness on Women’s Day, as I think of everything the women before me have had to fight to be able to do the most basic of things like work, vote and have an opinion. I use this day to reflect on the amazing women who played a part in raising me, and I am so grateful for everything they’ve done and continue to do for me – Natalie.
International Women’s Day to me means a celebration of all that we can do, all that we have overcome, and all that we fight to hold onto and strive for. As far as equity goes, we still have a long way to go, but we have also come so far. Showing my daughter what is possible and the groundwork that women before us have done so that we may have the opportunities that they would have only dreamed of is such an incredibly important piece of the puzzle, as is teaching my son about the incredible journey that society as a whole has gone on, the learnings that came from those journeys, and how we can put our best foot forward in the quest for equity – Adele

It is a reminder that while there are day-to-day struggles being a woman, there is a huge community of women around me that can’t wait to build me up and help me on my path. International Women’s Day places emphasis on fighting to change the way society often views women and what it means to be a woman. Through education and appreciation, International Women’s Day highlights that there is no one way to experience womanhood and every kind of woman is valid. It is a day to hold your nearest and dearest women even closer and appreciates the things they have taught you – Brianna

As a mother of two sons and a wife, International Women’s Day has a special meaning to me. It’s a global celebration that recognises the achievements of women in different aspects of life, including social, economic, cultural, and political arenas. As a mom, this day provides a valuable opportunity to teach my sons about the importance of gender equality and the role of women in society. I can use this day to educate them about the challenges women face and how they can contribute to creating a more just and equitable world for all women. Moreover, as a wife, International Women’s Day is also a time for me to celebrate my own accomplishments and contributions to my family and society. It reminds me of the importance of gender equality in my relationship and how my spouse and I can work together to promote it. Overall, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women’s achievements, promote gender equality, and inspire the next generation to create a better future for all women, including my sons and the women they will encounter throughout their lives- Junelle

I like to take some time out on IWD and reflect on the significance of, and the impact that the women closest to me have had on my life. Some of the strongest people in my family are women, and it makes me so unbelievably lucky to have had them as role models growing up, and be able to turn to them for advice- Eleni
International women’s day to me is a day that recognises and celebrates the contributions we make and the changes we see in workplaces, cultures and societies. It means empowering the women around me and banding together for equality and acknowledgement. We are creative, intelligent, strong and leaders in all parts of the world. It means breaking stereotypes, boundaries and limitations, allowing us to thrive in a world where we are recognised as the all-encompassing women we are – Tiffany
International Women’s Day is a stark reminder that women around the world still face barriers of inequality. It’s a prompt to tell my daughter as often as possible that she is powerful and can do anything she puts her mind to! This includes being the captain of the pirate ship ? – Kylie

To me international women’s day is about celebrating the achievements, creativity and strength of all women! This year I am celebrating the amazing women in my family including my Mum and Zia, as well as my cousins and sister who encourage and inspire me everyday :)-Olivia
International Women’s Day is a day to be grateful, a day to embark on what I have now and then understand where women have come from. I know without the sacrifices and the fight from some amazing women over the years, I would be able to work today and still earn enough to support my family as well as enjoy the simple pleasures of having a job of choice. This isn’t a day to say “Why is it even here” it is more of a day to understand the history and realise that without important women in this world, everyone wouldn’t have what we take for granted. I am also grateful for all women that have helped shape me today and I am a mother of a little girl and want to instil onto her the values and wisdom that these women have given me – Amanda

However you celebrate, or however, you want to define what this day means. There is no denying that this day is a day that will go throughout the ages as a day of remembrance, a day of reflection and a day to be proud to be a woman – either in mind, gender or spirit.
Happy International Women’s Day!