When it comes to being part of today’s society, there is always an emphasis on work & working. Being tired after a long day’s work goes hand in hand with that. But feeling super drained and saying no to catch ups or date nights due to being exhausted from work could be an indicator of something much worse than just hard work. Burnout is a very real side effect of poor work life balance. If this sounds like it could be you, then keep reading to understand why we need a little more work life balance.
Burnout can be the result of many things, but a big cause is poor work life balance. When we are feeling burnt out, it can affect not only our mental state but can result in poor quality work, relationship breakdowns and even just straight-up breakdowns.
Being absolutely exhausted seems to be a sign of hard work by today’s standards but I don’t believe that your work should exhaust you to the point of wanting to do nothing but rest when it’s done. By improving your work life balance, you will feel much more fulfilled at the end of the day.

What can you do to help?
It is important to take time to unwind and look after yourself once you’ve finished work. As much as we love to work from home, it does pose its challenges. One of which is knowing when to stop working. For some of you workhorses out there it can be tricky knowing when to stop working since all your tools to do so are right in front of you. But, while other people may commend you for being ‘on your grind’, I invite you to set yourself reasonable hours to get your work done and if you haven’t been able to finish everything that doesn’t have a strict deadline – leave it for tomorrow!
Another trap we fall into is over-committing to shift work. I love some good cash flow as much as the next person, but waking up and dreading the day ahead of you because you have already worked the last 5 is not what we want or need in our lives. Knowing when to turn down a shift is an important aspect of balancing your work and life. When we over-commit to our workplaces it is much more likely that we end up resenting where we work rather than having a healthy relationship with it. The trickle down effect of this is that once we get home, instead of wanting to spend time with our loved ones or go out on the town, we feel the need to stay home and detox.

Burnout is not your ability to work at all!
Work-life balance is not only important for those who can’t stop working, it is also something to consider if you hate working and thus rarely do. If you’re one of those people who can’t seem to hold a job because you would always rather be somewhere else, this part goes out to you. As much as I hate the rat race mentality of climbing the ranks at a workplace etc. I still think having the ability and option to work is not something to squander.
Without a job, most of us can’t afford life’s luxuries which in the end is only doing yourself a disservice, this of course depends on your values and all that but for the average person, I would say we all like to treat ourselves a little.
Not only can it affect your lifestyle if you haven’t got some extra funds on you, but it can affect the lifestyle of those around you too. If you’re the only one out of your friends who can never split the bill or is always pottering around not up to much, you may want to consider upping the amount of work in your life and putting the play on pause.
Just some food for thought! But more importantly than just the cash aspect, having a good job creates a space for you to develop a work ethic and social skills. Both of these are important to learn if you are looking to be successful.

What I am trying to get across in this blog is that whether you are a workaholic that has trouble knowing when to log off or you are a free spirit wanting to channel your energy into something more concrete, balance is key.
We don’t want you to work lovers out there to suddenly stop working or for those free spirits to become chained – I just think a little reflection on how balanced your work and life are can never go astray.
So, take a look at your work life and your free time and see which aspects need a little more balance. Let us know if you are looking to lighten your plate and outsource too. We are here to help.