“Is Print Dead?”
For years this topic has been discussed for the future of marketing. Unsurprising, as it’s difficult to land on a clear answer. Can anyone really know the thoughts of every demographic of consumers day in and day out? Print is spoken about on podcasts like “Print is dead (Long Live Print)” and even 1984’s “Ghostbusters” jokingly references this idea. Perhaps, it is not so dissimilar from its origin “Punk is dead”. Punk is killed by Capitalism and Print is killed by innovation which essentially, land as one and the same.
The digital era has changed the marketing preferences of the consumer. Perhaps now Facebook and Instagram have become the easier, cheapest and quickest way for small businesses to advertise to the public; it was noted that this could mean print collateral is pointless much less a necessity.
However, the time of death on print collateral as a viable marketing tool is significantly impulsive. If you are going to spend the money on digital advertising, then you will need to also invest in print.
Not Convinced?
Unfortunately, buyers are not quick to make decisions like they used to be. You are now competing with more and more businesses in the digital space, you also need to convince your buyer with more avenues if you hope to become unforgettable.

Firstly, What Is Print Collateral?
Print collateral is any physical media material that promotes a company’s goods or services. This typically to printed content like brochures, catalogues, magazines, posters, flyers, pull-up banners and even business cards or coasters.
Roughly 20 years ago, print collateral played a vital part in marketing efforts. However, with the digital age altering how businesses use (or don’t use) printing, marketing collateral became non-existent as marketing moved towards shorter content like blogs and social media to answer those short questions about the brand – the WHERE, HOW AND WHAT.
Now, printing collateral has turned into the ‘reminder’ media or the why. It’s also easier to have a long explanation in print than it is on social media.

Proof That Print Is Very Much Alive
Print Is Tangible And Long-Lasting Advertising
The tech-savvy and changeable generation needs print.
This newer consumer is bombarded with every type of digital ad possible as they search or explore blogs and social media during their downtime. But where those advertising tactics are about immediate action, print is something that they can hold in their hands and remember.
Millennials are more likely to read collateral as it appears new and unique to them. Print collateral builds and strengthens your relationships with consumers. Your content stays in eyesight rather than being buried in someone’s social feed. This is where catalogues and those brochures come in handy.
Recent research by Roy Morgan shows that catalogues are still a highly relevant and impactful marketing tool for all generations. And you would be surprised to learn that Millennials are leading when it comes to catalogue consumption (3.2 million readers), ahead of Baby Boomers (3.16 million), with Generation X (3.15 million) not far behind.

Print Collateral And Digital Are The Perfect Couple
There is an extraordinary number of means to track the success of print campaigns and marry it to your digital efforts. But sadly, too many businesses treat them as separate identities or treat print as non-existent.
How many times have you got a flyer, put it in your kitchen and then forgotten all about it? Only to later find it and be reminded once more with the physical in your hand?
Or when you have walked past a restaurant saw the sign at the front of the building about the next ‘all-you-eat event’ and then said to yourself ‘I saw that on social media to another day’.
We as consumers are busy and need a reminder now and then. When you see it, you know it’s a good idea, print helps with that extra nudge you needed.
Let’s say your business is offering a networking event for business-minded people. First, you will want to design a professional and impactful printed poster to spread the word of this amazing event and direct them to a website or social site via the poster or the other way around you promote on social media and then the poster then directs them back again. They work hand in hand, and they both need each other to get their point across. It’s like they are secretly communicating with you.
To Conclude
Really, no matter the research and the facts that you need both to succeed, well-produced collateral helps you become what your business aspires to be and that is memorable.
It’s hard to argue with the statement that marketing collateral, used strategically, could be more effective now than ever before. With a clear and precise strategy, print collateral will be the gap that your business is missing.
Creative Little Soul has all printing options and paired with our graphic designers we can make sure that your collateral is well-produced with the highest of standards.
Email chrissy@creativelittlesoul.com.au to discuss your options and our bundle packages.
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