Creativity has almost become a buzzword. Used by millennial hipsters in Tinder bios to support images of latte leaves and painted overalls. Perhaps this is why we shy away from questions about our own creativity, choosing to hide behind self-deprecating statements instead. Masked minimisations of “I wish I could, but no I can’t draw” or “yeah I like to hum along but I can’t sing” cause a self-critical narrative leading even those with the talent to bask in the shade of false humbleness. When did the rules change? When did it become that I could only enjoy something and take part if I was “good” at it? (BTW we’ve had it in our name for nearly 9 years now, so we think of ourselves at CLS as trendsetters)..

Let’s just imagine for a moment that you allowed yourself to freely (without self-criticism) take up a creative hobby. What could it do for you? Creative hobbies allow you to escape for a moment. When being creative, the volume of whatever going on in the world or your life gets turned down a little, the volume instead is turned upon you and yourself at this moment. It is just you and your hands, or your voice, or your body, or your mind that are active and involved at the moment. It can bring you a sort of self-centered peace.

Creative Hobbies Are The Ultimate Emotional Outlet
Feeling sad today? Sing about it. Feeling misunderstood? Write about it. Feeling happy? Create a work of art about it. All free of judgement. Creating without worrying about how it’s going to look/feel/sound is one of the most freeing feelings I have experienced. So what if you didn’t hit that high note (or any of the notes), did it still feel good to sing them?
In our day and age, it seems almost impossible to unplug and escape from technology, but if you allow yourself, creating can be the perfect way to get off the internet. Now of course there is nothing wrong with being on the internet but if you find yourself needing that time away, pick up a creative hobby. Even if you aren’t aiming for perfection, creating takes time. It also gives you that lovely satisfying feeling of finishing something, and unlike most other things in our lives, the end result is always a success. Even if what you end up creating is hideous, or sounds like crap or others don’t understand it, you have still succeeded.

Re-connect To Your Free-Self
If you are someone who hasn’t been creative in a long time, coming back to being creative can be challenging but that just means that it’s going to help you in the long run. Ever heard that saying “sometimes the hardest things are the ones most worth doing”, which applies here. It isn’t always easy coming back to being creative but it’s going to feel so good! Creativity is not about putting out something perfect and making a profit, being creative and having creative hobbies is about reconnecting with yourself and allowing a new judgement-free space to be created in your life. It is going to let that inner child of yours run free and challenge you to reconnect with that part of yourself. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Creative Hobbies Are A Reset For The Mind
Having creative hobbies can also allow you to shake your brain up a lil during the day. Been working hard all day long only to remember you have that awful dinner with your in-laws tonight? Allow your brain to take a break and feel good by being creative – change those brain waves up!
Being creative is scientifically proven to increase the feeling of positive emotions within humans, why would you deny yourself that? Just because you can’t draw realistic portraits? Right, sure. You’re going to deny your brain the opportunity to feel positive feelings because you can’t create perfect art or hit perfect notes or dance perfectly on the beat. Sounds a bit silly when I put it like that huh.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by picking up and trying creative hobbies. You don’t have to be perfect; you don’t even have to be good! In the end, the purpose of creating is just to create. So, I really urge you pick up some kind of creative hobby, perhaps there was something you enjoyed but never pursued because you thought you were bad at it, or worse OTHERS told you that you were bad at it. Now is the time to reclaim what you love to do and just do it, colour outside those damn lines! Be sure to check out the short courses and masterclasses we run on the regular and come get creative with us!!