5 Reasons You Need A Rebrand Right Now

Is your branding looking more tired than a bear during hibernation? Maybe that comic sans font seemed like a good idea at the time but now…not so much. Is it time you let that neon colour scheme go? Read our latest post from our in-house graphic designer Clare to find out if it’s about time your branding got a re-brand!

Picture this – Someone walks up to you on the street and immediately launches into telling you about the plain white box they’re carrying. They provide you with no context, but they’re trying to convince you to take the box, they claim it’ll change your life. You don’t know who this person is or what is in the box… 

Imagine that this person is your brand and that plain white box is whatever you’re trying to sell your customers. If the brand is falling flat on its face trying to identify itself and your audience isn’t getting the message, that means it’s time to look at a brand refresh. 

A brand identity is the face of your brand. It’s the heart and soul, how it walks, talks, etc. You must have a strong first impression to resonate with customers. Having a strong brand creates both lasting relationships with customers and a reputation built within the market. 

You may not be sure if your first experience trying to brand your business might have flunked. If you are unsure, here are 5 reasons why it might be time to rebrand… 

1. You Weren’t Clear On Your Vision When You First Did Your Branding

The journey of an entrepreneur is broad. You might have been rushed to enter the market with a unique idea, jumped ship from ‘working for the man’ or simply needed to get started ASAP.

As a consequence, branding might have gone to the bottom of the pile. Meaning, your consumers will be confused about who you are and as an extension, what you’re all about. 

If this sounds like what you are experiencing, it’s time for a brand refresh. 

Taking action and refreshing your brand will ensure it matches the perception of your business, and thus brings clarity to what your business offers. This will attract more targeted customers who align with your business’s mission; meaning you will make more sales. 

2. Your Brand Has Become Irrelevant

Remember that old saying ‘hang up the phone or use your thumb and pinky finger to mimic a phone to your ear? Younger generations are unlikely to have used a corded phone and some might have only ever seen a mobile.

As technology, fashion, and lifestyle are rapidly evolving, the way your business communicates needs to reflect that. Impactful branding will mean that your customer is able to effectively visualise your product in their life. It will also make sure that you’re standing out in a sea of constant information overload, which is the state of the world with social media and smartphones. 

Google logo 1996 – Image Credit – Inkbot Design

3. Your Branding Is Outdated 

When your brand is lucky enough to stand the test of time, it’s likely to have encountered a makeover or two. Companies that have withstood the test of time like Pepsi, IBM and Starbucks have rebranded more than once. 

As technology and society evolve, we must all grow with it or risk being left behind. Connecting with your customers in a functional way demands we all be open to change. 

Reviewing your relevance in the market and how you fit into your consumers’ lives is a matter of survival.  

“Microsoft and Burger King have also made comparable branding improvements over the years by evolving their logos. Rebranding is incredibly important to the long-term sustainability of a mega-brand. Having a strong core brand identity can help ensure the success of a rebranding effort.” – The Importance of Branding by Aviva M. Cantor 

Image Credit – Business Insider

4. You’ve Rebranded Following Pop Culture Trends… Which Don’t Age Well

Not all brands have the good fortune of branding with something as timeless as Chanel. If you have a history of rebranding to fit into the pop culture trends, perhaps you need to read between the lines.

There is a sweet spot for your brand to live where it can mould to the trends around it while lasting for decades to come.  Your branding doesn’t need to constantly change to fit with what’s trending – it is better for your branding to have imagery that is more sustainable no matter what is on-trend. Trends come and go, but with your brand, you’re aiming to stick around.  

5. Your Name Or Imagery Could Get You “Cancelled” 

What is considered politically correct has changed over the years as we have become more aware of how words, imagery and marketing impact minorities and marginalised communities.

There is more respect for businesses addressing issues with their PC branding than those who stubbornly ignore or argue its place in the world. While the fear of “cancel culture” might drive the decision, the activist mentality is all for one and one for all in a way that is shaping a more conscious society. 

The Washington Commanders (formerly the Washington Redskins) is a recent example of a brand whose entire identity was perpetuating a painful history of systemic racism and made the decision to rebrand out of respect for the Native American population. Their rebranding was necessary for them to stay relevant and not lose all credibility. 

If you feel as though your branding is not as PC as it was a few years ago when you created your business, then why not rebrand? It will give the business a new life and keep you from being lumped in with “cancelled” brands that refused to make a change. The team at CLS are well equipped to help you design a logo, come up with a brand image and identity and we can help you put your best foot forward when it comes to your business and what it means for others.

If you’d like to find out more info, have us undertake an audit or whip something up for you, get in touch and let’s help you rebrand or refresh. We’d love to help.