How To Write Email Copy That Converts

Are you emails not getting the result and return you need or want? Then you might be doing it all wrong. Take a look at how you can create emails that don’t such and convert every time!

Email Marketing has an average ROI of 4200%.

That is $42.00 for every $1.00 spent. 

No… That Isn’t a typo

Done right, e-mail can become the most cost-effective and valuable marketing strategy you have.

Done wrong however?

You risk a one way ticket to annoyed customers flying away faster than a toupee in a hurricane. If you are reading the above statistic and thinking to yourself:

“WTF?!?! My ROI from Email Marketing is nowhere near that!”

Then never fear… You have come to the right (or write ?) place. 

One of the main complaints I hear from people writing their email copy is that they struggle to know what they actually need to write. They are too sale-sy, writing too much, writing too little or simply don’t know what to say to get started! 

Fortunately, there are a few tried and tested copywriting strategies you can utilize today to make writing your emails easy as pie. Furthermore, you can transfer these tips for any copy you need to do outside of your email marketing as well. 

Trust me on this. It’s worth the time. 

But don’t just take my word for it. 

The statistics are mind-blowing

This list could actually go on and on. 

But truth be told, I’m pretty sure after reading these alone that you are already convinced.

WTF even is Copywriting?

You can think of copywriting as any writing that is used for the purposes of marketing. It is persuasive writing written with the intent of being used to eventuate in a sale. The writing on websites, captions on social media posts, your LinkedIn bio and of course, your emails, are all examples of copywriting. 

Great copy turns strangers into customers. Done properly, It tells a story, creates a connection and solidifies a meaningful relationship based on trust. 

Let’s take it from the top

Without question, this is one of the most important parts of copy in an email. Unfortunately, often it is just thrown in and completely overlooked. 

Have you guessed it?

Your Subject Line

Your subject line is the make or break for your email. It is the difference between you wasting your time writing or developing an actual connection with your existing and potential customers.

So what are the secrets to a successful subject line? 

  • Play on FOMO
    • FOMO – Fear of missing out is a fantastic way to encourage people to open your email based on your subject line. There are many ways you can evoke a sense in your audience that they risk missing out on something. Here are a few examples to get you started.
      • Everyone is doing this…
      • Do you know about this…
  • Make them an offer they can’t refuse
    • Pretty self-explanatory. Offer them something so great they will have to take a look. 
  • Urgency
    • Today is your last chance…
    • Don’t miss out
    • The countdown is on

Bonus tip: Using an emoji in your subject line is a great way to make you stand out!

The Batman to your…well, Batman

Your preview 

The preview comes along as the sidekick to your subject line. It is displayed with it on the notification. Although smaller, it is no less important. It’s all part of sending a beautiful package in its entirety, that is stunning enough for your audience to want to open it. 

Usually this will show the first line of your email. So it’s a great way to add a personal touch by displaying the recipient’s name. You can also go the extra mile and add an extra interest point in there to compliment your subject line. 

For example:


This is your last chance


75% Off for one more hour?!

Full email intro:

75% Off for one more hour?!

Hi (name),

We know you love our (name) products. 

? How to build your email copy? ?

Obviously, depending on what the goal of your email is then how you structure your email copy will vary. 

That being said, there are a few tried and tested rules to work around in order to gain impactful results from your email marketing. 


  1. Attention – a bold statement that grabs the reader and encourages them to read on 
  2. Understanding – Empathise with your audience and a problem they are facing
  1. Solution – What are you offering through this email that solves the problem you have empathised with?
  2. Trust – Why YOU are the person they should trust to solve it 
  3. CTA- your Call To Action

Short example 


Is your email marketing losing you money?!

Hi ( Name), 


Email marketing can be hard. It seems like you need to spend a lot of time writing and rewriting and thinking of content. It’s exhausting.  


It doesn’t need to be this way. I can show you in 30 minutes how you can create an email marketing strategy that sees you getting a huge ROI. 


I have already taught this strategy to 50 people and they have ALL seen a massive increase in sales JUST from email marketing. 

Ready to do the same? 


Book A Call Now!

Obviously this is a very short example for the sake of showcasing the flow. But even so, the impact is obvious.

How to write in your email?

  • Short paragraphs with one idea per paragraph. 
  • Write your email as if it was a conversation.
  • Use “you” and “your” as it will make your audience resonate on a personal level.
  • Know your audience and use the same language that they would use.
  • Be relevant. Sub-categorize your emails and send the write email to the right customer.  
  • Be intentional. Don’t just email for the sake of emailing. Your email should have a goal in mind and should be written with the aim to achieve that goal. 
  • Be personal. Use the recipient’s name, set up email automations for significant events such as birthdays or create VIP email lists with special secret deals. 
  • Inject your brand personality. Your emails should not be generic, they should reflect the “voice” of your brand.
  • The length of your email copy should vary depending on what you are emailing about and who your audience is. It needs to be long enough to be persuasive but not so long that they lose interest.
  • Don’t waffle. After you have written your email, re-read it and take out anything that is not relevant or necessary.
  • DON’T USE ALL CAPS. It is stressful on the eye and the brain and will likely see your reader close it down faster than Twitter on Trump. 

? Key takeaways? ?

The impact email can have for growing your business is astronomical. Intentional, personal and persuasive copy can have a huge impact on your ROI!

Remember to show up consistently, have a consistent brand voice and always keep your audience in mind with every word you type. 

Copy is just the beginning of your email marketing strategy. 

Interested in learning all the ins and outs of email marketing so you can reap the full growth potential it offers for your business?

Join our Founder and Director Chrissy Symeonakis (Email Marketing Expert) for her 8 week detailed masterclass!