Here at Creative Little Soul, we are super excited to introduce the newest team member to our ever-growing marketing agency. Introducing Creative Little Soul’s Marketing Assistant, Ari Scott.

Q&A with Creative Little Soul’s newest Marketing Assistant
Creative Little Soul (CLS) is an award-winning digital and creative marketing agency. We provide business support and creative services such as content creation, digital marketing strategies and design for our clients in the hospitality industry.
From humble beginnings, Chrissy Symeonakis established Creative Little Soul in 2013. Fast forward eight and a half years and CLS is now a sizeable team, with each staff member bringing a wealth of talent into the business. This in turn, serves our wonderfully varied client portfolio.
Today we would like to introduce you to our newest Marketing Assistant, Ari Scott. Ari is originally from England and is now living in Melbourne. We are lucky to have Ari working in our team, and after reading Ari’s story, you will understand why.
Hi Ari! Can you tell us about your role with Creative Little Soul and when you started at CLS?
Hey! I am Creative Little Soul’s brand spanking new Marketing Assistant. My job is essentially to be the Robin to everyone’s Batman. I give help wherever I am needed with writing copy, creating e-flyers, social media stuff and so on and so forth.
I am very new to the role, but so far, I am really enjoying myself. The team has been incredibly welcoming, and I am excited for what the future holds.
How do you keep up to speed with all these rapid changes and updates we’re seeing?
I believe we are pretty much all born the same way. We dive headfirst into the world with no idea what we are getting ourselves into.
Then as life goes on, it seems to continue in that fashion. I think that changes come no matter what you do, and that growth comes from how we choose to respond to those changes. I think the best way to stay up to speed with them all is to make sure you have access to as much information and knowledge as possible. For me, that medium is the internet, social media, Google and news mediums. I am also aware that this is the most millennial response to this question possible!
What is your preferred marketing tool, and why?
Until recently, this would have been challenging for me to answer. There are so many options, and each has their own challenges and strengths. But with the rise of audio-only platforms, specifically Clubhouse, I’ve really found my home.
I’m known for being a talker. So having a platform where that is commendable and encouraged to use as a marketing tool has been a really useful and comfortable tool for me to utilize for my marketing efforts.
You’re not from Australia originally, so tell us what you love most about your life in Melbourne and what you miss about your home city.
I love Melbourne for a few reasons. It has a “be whoever you are and who cares what anyone thinks” vibe that suits me nicely. I also love that it’s so close to so much natural beauty. Having the Great Ocean Road, huge waterfalls and beautiful camping spots all within a drive of an hour or two is something I see as really special.
In terms of what I miss from home, I certainly miss having my family and closest friends around. Especially because our time zones are so inconvenient for catching up easily. Covid really highlighted that for me.
I also really miss Marmite. Australia has it, but it’s weird, and I felt like it was a trick the first time I tried it!
Do you have any side hustles on the go?
Look, the truth is I love a good side hustle! I suppose you could call me an active relaxer, so I hate having nothing to do. Unless it’s housework, then I would prefer to do nothing instead!
I run The ADHD Entrepreneurs Club both on and off of the Clubhouse app. Statistically, 3 in 4 entrepreneurs will have ADHD, but most of the available resources for success in business are not tailored to the neural wiring of the ADHD brain. We focus on providing those tools in an ADHD friendly way to see more ADHD businesses thriving how they should be.
I’m also a freelance copywriter. I absolutely love language and being able to really showcase someone’s passion and story in a way that does them justice. It’s really fulfilling for me.
I am also writing a fiction book about a boy with one blue and one yellow eye who runs away with the circus. He is desperate to find his place in the world, and I am sure one day a therapist will ask me why I chose that as a storyline.
There’s a few more, but I don’t wanna bore you with a never-ending list!
Tell us about the last movie you watched and would you recommend it?
I couldn’t even tell you the last movie I watched. I’m a series kinda gal, and I have the memory of a fish.
The series I am watching at the moment is definitely worth a watch. It’s called StartUp. It’s about a girl who creates a new cryptocurrency. Similar to BitCoin but completely untraceable and incorruptible. I would 10/10 recommend it, but it is pretty dark and a little gory, so don’t watch it if you’re not into that kind of thing.
What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?
I’m a bit of a workaholic, so most of what I do outside of work is included in the aforementioned side hustle list!
I love nature though. Camping, the ocean, trees, lakes, and rivers. The countryside is so different here to in England, and it feels even more special to me because of that, I think.
Can you tell us one thing you have learnt over the past year?
This year has taught me so many things. Mainly about myself. Probably the most significant would be getting diagnosed with ADHD. Having an understanding of how my brain works has given me the power to utilize the strengths I have to the best of my abilities. It also has given me the knowledge to start to input strategies to mitigate the challenges better.
It’s been real life changing stuff.
Any advice you might give to others who might be considering a career in marketing?
Learn and network.
Use your spare time to read books, watch videos or take courses around any space you are interested in. They say knowledge is power. They didn’t lie!
Network to get yourself around people in the industry. You never know when an opportunity will arise that you would be perfect for. Being present in those spaces brings more of those opportunities by default.
You speak openly about having ADHD and even founded the ADHD Entrepreneurs Club. Can you tell us about that?
I would love to!
I truly believe that ADHD is the entrepreneur’s superpower. Many of the traits of ADHD are synonymous with those needed to be successful as an entrepreneur.
We also have unique challenges in the space that are not well catered for. ADHD people are 300% more likely to start their own business than those without it. But the resources designed to help entrepreneurs to thrive don’t really work for us.
I founded the ADHD Entrepreneurs Club to offer a community, support and resources for those with a shared passion for innovation and who are business-driven with the unique ADHD brain.
There is a huge stigma around ADHD, and it is a widely misunderstood neurodiversity. Even the name Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is pretty misguided.
ADHD brains actually have a unique ability to focus more in-depth and for longer than that of the norm. They simply require a different set of stimuli to do so. The problem is that stimuli is not readily available in how the world functions.
The world is not designed for the ADHD mind. But the ADHD mind is designed to change the world!