Exciting news. Places for our 8 Week Email Marketing Masterclass are now open and tickets are on sale. Every Monday night for an hour every week, learn the ins and outs of #emailmarketing from our founder and #emailmarketing expert Chrissy Symeonakis, who’s over 21 years’ experience in creating, sending and crafting amazing email marketing campaigns. In addition to the jam-packed zoom sessions weekly, you’ll also receive amazing templates and forms and checklists, be part of a closed Facebook group, where you’ll have access to further information, ask questions and get so much more value!
If that wasn’t enough too, you’ll also receive as part of the package your very own Creative Little Soul-utions Lite account package – so you’ll be able to create This is an exclusive group mastermind, with places strictly limited and payment plans are available so if you’re keen to sign up and take those important steps about embracing and implementing email marketing campaigns that convert. Sign up now here https://creativelittlesoul.com.au/masterclasses…/ or send us a DM if you’d like to enter into a payment plan We’d love to have you.