Presenting Creative Little Soul’s brand new, specialty marketing calendars & planners (with email marketing awesomness if you want it) !!
Yes, launching a calendar and planner when people don’t want to deal with the year, dates and days might seem incredibly dumb (and launching this project we’ve been sitting tight on for some time – did cross our mind) But we’re wild, we’re fancy free and just a little bit crazy and well 7 years of that has yielded us and some of our clients some serious ROI!!
There are 2 options available:
* 12 month calendar and planner only $75 (There is an AU and USA Option available, ’cause the holidays and inspo are different)
* 12 month calendar, planner and a monthly awesome email option available to provide you with a nudge things are coming up, updated tips, tricks, templates and more – which is only a + $25 making it $100 for the YEAR
Use the code: covidsucks at checkout and receive $10 OFF when you do and let’s take back 2020,
“Because we didn’t come here to F*$K spiders!!” – Great Australian Proverb – Unknown
HOSPO FRIENDS… We’ve another option coming for you.. If you’re keen on that calendar REPLY TO THIS EMAIL and we can gauge interest and then we can get you the link for that one. It costs a bit more but it’s even more next level EPIC
Get involved, get going and BUY NOW
Let’s do this!!
Chrissy & The CLS Team!!
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