Q&A with Creative Little Soul’s Tori Clarke
The Creative Little Soul (CLS) crew is growing and to acknowledge this, we think it’s high time we introduced CLS’s team of talent to you.
Creative Little Soul is an award-winning digital and creative marketing agency. We provide business support and creative services such as content creation, digital marketing strategies and design for our clients in the hospitality industry.
Chrissy Symeonakis established Creative Little Soul in 2013. Now the team consists of 14 creatives who each bring a wealth of talent into CLS. This, in turn, serves our wonderfully varied client portfolio.
We’ll start by introducing you to Tori Clarke, Social Media and Marketing Key Account Manager.
Hi Tori! How long have you been working for Creative Little Soul and what led you to join the CLS Team?
Hi! I’ve been here for over 4 years now, which is crazy. I originally got the job as I was graduating from a bachelor in Entertainment Business Management, and marketing around events had gotten my interest.
Being the Social Media and Content Coordinator and moving into account management has been a journey from one section of the job to another. It’s a bit of everything, and I feel like that’s where I shine.
Can you tell us about your day-to-day? What does your average CLS working day look like?
Well I have a bucket or two of coffee. Maybe some breakfast. I usually put on some Lo-fi to listen to in the background while I’m working. Honestly every day is a little bit different. I sit at the same desk with the same laptop, but what I do differs depending on what we need. A little bit of social, a little bit of events, ticketing, e-flyers, emails or client meetings… it really depends.
Tell us what motivates you in your work?
I like what I do, I like the work and the people. I enjoy designing things, and making lists and checking them off, as nerdy as that may sound. I’m motivated knowing there is always something else to do.
Your preferred social media platform and why?
Hmmm that’s a hard one. I think I would say Facebook as it’s so versatile, its not as restrictive as some others, and there is a fair amount of control in what you’re doing and what you and other people see.
Working as a content creator, tell us what you think makes content?
I think its really dependent on the type of person you’re going for and where its going to be seen. Eye catching and interesting are great words to describe good content, but what catches my eye and interests me is not what my mother would look twice at. In saying that good photos are a pretty good baseline to start. Online I think Gifs and simple but statement making designs are really great. EDM’s with moving elements are really fun for me to make right now, and there is some really great inspiration out there for how it can be used.
Aside from your work with Creative Little Soul, we’d love to know what makes you tick. What do you love to do when you’re not working?
I’m a massive nerd. I love reading, particularly mysteries and manga. I play games on pc mostly but console as well. Animal Crossing New Horisons is about to come out and take over my life. I also go to the gym most nights of the week, and go rock-climbing sometimes.
Do you have any side hustles on the go?
Nothing in particular just yet, but I do have some plans, but we’ll see. I have to find time for them first!
What’s your favourite jam right now?
I love some lo-fi. Theres a 24h lo-fi livestream by chilledcow on youtube i always put on. One of my fave singles is “Don’t go to bed” by otterpop. If i’m trying to jam out though i’ll usually go for some Ninja Sex Party, My Chemical Romance, etc. Im a bit of an alternative, rock and punk lover, with a sprinkle of pop on top.
Also – Strawberry always 😛
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Japan. I love the food, the fashion, the culture. Everything.
Any advice you’d like to give for those who might be considering a career in social media marketing?
Take a look at what people are doing online and have a think about what they are doing right, and how they could improve. If you find it fun, or interesting to look at how they can be doing better and doing your research on what works and what doesn’t I think you’ll be fine.
Also there are a lot of places out there that have a blanket rule and method for everyone and everything. Don’t trust that. Go with your gut, do your research and if it sounds like bullshit, it probably is.