So I’m packing my winter woollies and am headed back down to South Australia, and to my mother land of the Riverland. I’ll be taking appointments, meetings and sessions from Monday 16th – Monday 24th of July, but as you are all aware, my time when back there goes very very quickly.
If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not now is the right time to look at some marketing, social media or business strategies for the 2nd part of the year, want a bit of business support or advice, or have a project in the pipeline that needs some love and motivation to get it going, then make the most of this time and opportunity to book a 1 on 1 with me.
I’ve a already a number of appointments booked, so time is of the essence. If you’re interested and keen to chat, then book an appointment now by emailing to do so.
I’ll be based out of Renmark for most of the time I’m there and given I’ve fractured my ankle (yep you read right) then you’ll have to be cool with coming to me. Riverland rates and prices are in effect.
As well as squeezing in some time with my family and eating at all of my favourite places, the time there goes quickly, so if I say no later it’s not because I don’t want to see you, but my visit and time has pretty much come to an end.
I hope to see many new and familiar faces and hear about what exciting things you’ve got in the works, or that we might be able to help you work towards.
Chat and see you soon 🙂
Photo credit// My Dad – Jim Symeonakis
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