This post actually was an email I was sending this morning to a friend of mine, who recently started doing some work in the social media and marketing realm. We’ve been friends for that has seemed ages and his background and work life for much of his adult life was in the army and as a soldier. I wont go into too much details, but he is a great writer and also human that put in his time kicking arse overseas and serving for our country. He’s a funny human being too and good friend.
So when he returned to civilian life, he got a job working for an industry he was familiar with (guns) but knew sweet FA about social media. Of course I was going to help him and while he thinks I’m a total latte drinking, # tagging city snob (It’s a skim weak capp btw) it’s been fun interacting and showing someone how to work things out and also providing them with the information to go on and kick arse. You’re doing well grasshopper.
This morning we were chatting about the importance or e flyers, but in that sometimes you’ve got a lot to say and they can get long winded (I AM massively guilty of this), so why in conjunction for some content why it’s better to have a blog. Here’s why!
1. You can go into more detail and people know that it will be specific to that topic
2. That by having people on your website, the aim and idea is to get them to hang around, check out your other content and ultimately contact you or purchase.
3. By having fresh content on your blog, you then have posts and content to post on your social media channels (not the same old shit of BUY NOW, BUY NOW). You do it in a way in which you’re adding value to the customers life etc.
4. You start to get a bit of a following and if people like what you’re writing and find it of value, they’ll visit your site regularly.
5. When you sent out you’re e flyers, you’ll have content to link to (image then short spiel about the blog post) then hyperlink to the article on website (again, always wanting to push back to the website to convert) with a “READ MORE NOW”, which will again- wait for it – direct people to your website.
By pushing back to the website to, you’ll get the stats and data of our visitors and also see what and where they hovered, what things were of interest to them AND then you can use that information for further posts and engagement.
Further the good thing about the blog on your site too, is that you’ll get information about where your visitors are from (countries) and then you can tweak your marketing, sales, offers, and social media strategies to certain days/ times to ensure you’re engaging with that audience.
I know that for me my top ranking countries and followers are
2. Australia
3. France
5 China
I use a variety of different platforms and interact A LOT with people on Twitter and Instagram so that is why I get a bit of American engagement. Australia, get your shit together already!!
Means that I’ve a market over there so I’ll do stuff for the 4th of July, Halloween and other holidays. Then say the Aussie stuff as well as maybe Bastille Day so then they love me even more. Though it’s not about all which country ranks the highest, I have followers and people who have discovered what I’m about in places I’ve never even visited and well there is something pretty cool about that, so thank you!
Another reason why it’s a cool time to be alive and LOVE me some internet!
If you don’t have a counts by day counter on your website, get one. You can also see how people view your site too and also the search strings (where people found you, what they typed into google, or if they ended up at your page via a third party site etc). Good to know.
Some of my favourite search strings for people to end up at Creative Little Soul, and my top ones haha. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried by the way..
- I hate business
- When your idol lets you down
- tits, tits and more tits,
- branding definitions
- creative little designs
That’s all got to do with my SEO and past content tags. My SEO is very good and I get contacted a lot regarding my clients etc.
So if you’ve not a blog and you’re thinking, is now the time? How to do I start? What would I possibly talk about? Would people even be interested in reading it? Simply answer your own questions and outline what I’ve just asked here now. There’s never a good time to start anything, but if you DON’t start then you’ll never know and sometimes you just have to jump in and give it a go.
My little sister is 13 years old and she has her own blog, which she set up and started herself! Just remember if you can write a rant on facebook or anywhere else, blogging is essentially topical ranting! Just do it.
If you need help, want a price or quote to set one up for you, would like someone to check your content and even write your posts, we do all of that for a number of people. It’s not cheating, but more so enhancing and supporting you so you’re digitally putting your best foot forward!