It makes sense that January, the first month of the year is coincidentally Creativity Month. For us over here at Creative Little Soul, every day and every month are full of creative ideas and concepts and that we’ve an opportunity to work with a great array and range of clients to create some awesome ideas and concepts as well as unique, fun and original content. So why is there a month specifically dedicated to creativity? Why not is more the question we should be asking. Unleashing creativity is vital for the personal and business success in this age of accelerating change.
We all know it, the start of a new year allows us to look back at all that we might not have got done in the previous 365 and we start to set our new year goals, resolutions and it’s a fresh start and clean slate. It’s a perfect
opportunity to consider ways that creativity and innovation can be applied during the year ahead.
We often do this in our personal lives, so to do so in business is just as important. It also gives everyone involved a clear sense of where you’re headed, what’s on the cards and what’s to be done. It should also be hella exciting too, knowing what you’ve got to look towards and where you want to take everything. If that alone isn’t exciting you might like to rethink what you’re doing.
International Creativity Month was created by a guy by the name of Randal Munson. Sales and Marketing guru, tech head, motivational speaker and also the founder and president of Creatively Speaking®. After serving in an executive position with the Target Corporation, he was an IBM Program Manager and an IBM Executive Advocate. During his 20 years with IBM, he led research and development projects in a variety of management, programming, architecture, and marketing responsibilities.
In contrast to this, he has been a professional entertainer for over 35 years. As a master magician, ventriloquist, MC, and one of America’s top clowns, he has performed many times on TV in the US and Europe, MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Ringling Brothers Circus, Disneyland, Disney World and The White House.
Rather than being satisfied with a temporary new year’s resolution,
International Creativity Month provides a more powerful, long-lasting opportunity for positive change. It serves as a reminder to individuals and organisations around the globe to capitalize on the power of creativity and innovation.
A single creative idea can have a greater impact on the success of an
organisation than hard work, overtime, and cash investment combined.
Unleashing creativity is vital for personal and business success in this age of accelerating change.
A center for creative learning studied the creativity of children and found that during the first five years 90% of children are highly creative. The next two years, ages six and seven, the percentage of highly creative children dropped to 10%. By age eight or nine, the percentage of highly creative children fell to only 2% and stayed about that level from that time on.
Almost all of us were highly creative when we were little children, but as we grow up we tend to disengage from that creative part or our lives. Just because we grow up and have responsibilities, doesn’t mean we can’t continue to create. If you look closely every day in our lives – both personal in business we’re “CREATING” something.
Often I’ll hear people say “Oh I wish I was creative”. We’re all creative you perhaps just lose site of that or underestimate yourself, or forget you can and are.
So this weekend when you’re sitting on the couch, binge watching Netflix and you want more out of your life, your business or do “do” more, put the remote down and write that business plan, that to do list, look at online classes or courses you’ve been wanting to take for a while or sign up for that crochet class.
Life doesn’t need to be boring, but it certainly can be if we let it. Do something to celebrate this month and get Creating!!
Reference for article from