When it comes to travelling for work, I love it. I love that I get to go to different places, try and figure out their public transport, find cool and exciting new places to have coffee and explore and find donuts. I moved to the other side of the world without knowing anyone and having a job to go to. I used to go out clubbing by myself and never had an issue with stopping and asking for directions if I got lost. Google Maps and I have a love hate relationship,in that it loves to get me lost and I hate it for doing so. Thank you Uber. I can pin drop and you know exactly where the hell I am, where I need to get to, and I don’t need to explain it either. No judgement just getting me there.
The getting there is fine but the packing that comes beforehand. Oh how the anxiety, grief and pain it courses me, is really starting to become an issue (well for everyone else in my life at least). As a Virgo woman (and other Virgo’s will be able to understand this) I like to prepare for everything. Everyone would always laugh at me for toting and carrying a huge hand bag with me on a night out. It wasn’t until those people and past nay sayers needed the urgent use of a tampon, eye drops or a calculator that they would then be thankful the ever prepared preparer was in their midst.
I’ve flown with carry on baggage once, and it was the worst experience of my life. I didn’t have enough of anything. I felt horrible and uncomfortable and didn’t have the option or freedom for variety in my outfits or earrings that weekend. Needless to say it never happened again. Yes I purchase 20kg of luggage for 4 days away, but I like to rest assured that if need be, I have a spare coat, extra socks and that the earrings I wanted to wear were there. Yes I might not wear everything, yes things come home unworn and go back in the closet, but I take comfort in that if I wanted them they were there with me.
I’m one of those people that changes 100 times before they go out, throws everything on the bed and ends up going with my initial choice. Annoying I know. Yes I over pack, yes it’s un -necessary but it makes me feel comfort and calm.
Oh and packing for Melbourne? God!! It’s the hardest thing in life to do. The weathers always un- predictable too. So remember while I might get mocked, have everyone laughing at me for my over prepared ways, remember there will come a day where I’ll be ultra prepared and you’ll want to me with me.