If you’ve ever met or encountered your idol and have been bitterly disappointed; then you’ve come to the right place.
It’s a bittersweet experience. Child-like giddiness envelops your entire being, you begin to trail off into a fairy tale, and where you become best friends forever. Your mind trails off into an exaggerated fantasy; one of you sharing cat memes and pizzas with them when they come back to town.
Of course, that fantasy is brutally shattered and comes to a quick halt, and you find yourself feeling like a world-class arse, wondering “what the hell was I thinking?” Enter the shame spiral! We’ve all been there, and we all wish we could have a “do over”.
My particular situation could have just been a case of bad luck, though it felt difficult to shift the feeling… the person in question was kind of rude.
What to do in the aftermath of such an encounter (or indeed, failed encounter?)
Delete everything you have of said artist? I mean everything of theirs you own? Cull your playlists? Weep bitterly, and shatter each record you own of theirs while the cat watches on, concerned? Hardly! (I don’t have a cat, so that would be a concern)…
Now, fame does funny things to people (well in my head I imagine that it does). Though there is a lesson to be learnt here. It’s a reminder, as bitter a pill as it may be to swallow; that your idol (who shoots rainbows from every orifice) is in fact human. Just like you, they spend hours trawling through Buzzfeed, Instagramming their lunch or binge watching Netflix all day long!
Humanising your idol can be dangerous for the both of you. Dangerous for you, as their mortality and crappy human behaviour brings their demi-god status down a few notches. And dangerous for them because…well Kanye West, that’s why.
A thought for your Thursday and something to sit on!!..