Meet Marissa

Welcome to the Creative Little Soul team and please meet Marissa. Marissa Demetriou  is our new Brand Manager and also our Sub Editor.

Marissa is a solid writer and loves all things creative and knows her way around words. Having contributed to publications such as The Brag, Puls Radio and inthemix to mention a few. This girl is no stranger to putting together some creative copy and digital content.

Marissa has a a strong background in the Editorial and content creation industry having been an Editorial Assistant for Universal Magazines as well as Events and Marketing Assistant for Research Australia Lt. She’s held down the helm at Tenth House which is one of Sydney’s biggest creative, marketing, digital and social agencies as their Receptionist.

Chrissy and Marissa crossed path’s just over 2 years ago, when they were working together at Goldfish Kings Cross.  The pair both having a similar background and interest, hit it off and the duo have been a dynamo. Throughout the time together Marissa was the Marketing and Events Co-ordinator and then taking on the role of Group Marketing and Event Manager for multiple venues within the Iris Hotel Group.

It’s rare to come across a team and dynamic that compliment each other well, so it’s no surprise that Marissa has joined the team at Creative Little Sou. She brings with her a wealth of experience, passion and enthusiasm to the team and role to assist and support our new and existing clients.

She’ll be on board mid July but we’re taking appointments and projects for her as she can’t wait to jump on in!