A lot of people ask me how I can juggle and manage to do what I do. I work full time in a very busy and demanding industry, meaning the hours are flexible and that there is some late night and longer hours required. I generally don’t mind, as I’m fortunate in that I have a job I’m passionate about and that I love. In addition I study and run my own business and do a few things too outside of work. Where do I find the hours? There are 24 hours in a day, on average we work maybe 7.6 and then have a few hours either way to commute.
Depending on your situation you’ll have a family or social commitments or like to just chill out and watch TV? By the end of the day you don’t want to put anything extra into doing anything more. You’ll “Do it tomorrow” right? Wrong! A lot of us make excuses and procrastinate with the things we don’t want to do. Fact is “If we don’t do it for ourselves, no one else will”. Yes my days are long, yes I get tired but I know that for me to be able to juggle and to be fulfilled and honestly say I accomplished something ,then I need to crack the whip for myself.
Let me share with you some of the ways in which I motivate and organise myself. Look at your routine and schedule and see if you’re not already doing some of these things. Start gradually and start rewarding yourself. Remember if you ever need some advice or would like me to assess your schedule, increasing productivity, just ask.
I’ve mentioned this before, and I’m sure you’ll see it come across on my page or blogs often. I can’t speak enough about how specific types of music can get you inspired and motivated. For me I love to have something on where I can knuckle down and just get in the zone. Find the music, genre and songs you like and put them on. You probably already have a play list for the gym or cleaning the house. Put together something to help you work on the task at hand. Music can be so powerful and inspiring. I highly suggest this one.
Make a “To Do List”
Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this before, but it does work. Any organised person must outline and structure their day and tasks. While a list can be overwhelming when you see the 100+ jobs on there, it doesn’t have to be that way. Break it down into urgent and priority and then into a time frame. Give yourself a timeline of when you’ll get the first five done, then the next two etc. Things come up during the day and we have to re assess our priorities. Do this and be flexible in knowing that with the best laid plans, curve balls will be thrown at you. Accept that it’s OK. What you don’t get done today, then do tomorrow. I always find doing a list for the next day before you go home or to bed helps too. How many times have you laid in bed thinking about the next day ahead? Get it out of your head, then relax and sleep. Ps. Adding things you’ve done like “had lunch, made a coffee” to the list so you can tick them off is cheating. Don’t do it as tempting as it is.
Find The Time Of Day Which Suits You
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you work better after exercise or at 3 am? You know when you’re most alert and most productive. Don’t attempt complex tasks when you’re tired, or anything which your life depends when you’re not yet awake. Try set aside time to do the things which require most of your brain power, at a time where you’re most alert. Make sure you’re not going to be interrupted either.
Have Everything You Need In Front Of You
There’s nothing worse than sitting down to start a task and you’re missing a file, a pen or details you need to get the job done. Having to leave the house or getting up to get things is indirect procrastination. If you know you have something to do then make yourself a list (see point two is there again to keep you on task) then settle in and get it done. I can assure you that the time in which you complete the task with having all the resources at your fingertips will half. Be organised, head down, bum up and get it done!
Do The Least Favourite Thing First
I find that when I’ve my own list, the bane of my very existence or when procrastination sets in, is when I have a task to do I despise. Mine usually comes back to house work or spread sheets. I tend to put the job off and find myself doing anything but to get it done. Let’s face it, there are all things we have to do we don’t like, that’s life unfortunately. So rather than going around in circles make that despised task the first thing you do. Get it done and move on with your day. You’ll feel a sense of relief it’s over, then probably look back and say “it wasn’t that bad”.
Outsource & Delegate
This is kind of is a sister point of above, where too many people don’t think to do this. Delegate the things you’re not good at or don’t enjoy. You can’t be good at everything, fact. So use services, people and staff members to focus on tasks you don’t enjoy or that aren’t your forte. Now I know you’re inner voice is saying “but they can’t do it to my standards” or “but I’m a perfectionist”. If you don’t take the time to teach and show people or explain to them your standards then they’ll never live up to your expectations. Stop making excuses and give up the control. I need someone to clean my house and I’ve been talking about a cleaner for ages. This doesn’t make me lazy; it just means I have other things I’d rather be doing than dusting and putting my time to better use.
Ps you can always use my services too as I have a plethora of different suppliers and staff who are trained and are competent. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help.
Reward Yourself
Very important and one I live by. We work hard and long hours, but for what? To have money in the bank? For just in case? I’m not saying be reckless and blow your entire salary, but I am saying is that if you don’t reward yourself then you get jaded. That all the hard work and effort you’ve been putting in is for what exactly? Rewards can come in any form and everyone has their preferred vice. Don’t be extravagant, but do something for yourself. Whether it’s some new music (see point 1) a massage or a purchase for your business (maybe a new computer you’ve had your eye on, attending a conference or a holiday?) Life’s too short to work hard and not reap the benefits. Isn’t that the point?
Don’t Always Say “Yes”
I’m a total yes person and I hate saying no or disappointing people. I’ve had to though for my own sanity and to ensure that I’m not over committing. If there’s something I can’t do or don’t know how to do, I’ve come to the realisation years ago that NO has to play a prominent role in my vocabulary. Don’t always try and please everyone. At the end of the day the only person you’ll displease if yourself. No one will think any less of you, if anything they’ll appreciate your honesty. Try referring and recommending them to credible and associated people who may be able to assist as to maintain a professional and trusting business relationship too.
Be Forever Learning
I don’t pretend to know everything about everything, but I am forever learning and wanting to learn. I highly recommend teaching yourself new things daily and reading as much as you can. Read about things which interest you, take an online course or go to a meet up groups. Surrounding yourself with like-minded or passionate individuals on topics you have an interest or would like to know more about is of huge benefit. We’re never too old to start learning and you’d be pretty amazed at what our brains can accomplish and absorb. Why as you read this right now you’re doing just that. Well done.
Do It Because YOU Want To
Make sure you’re doing things for the right reason. Too often we start a project or a task because it’s expected of us, we’ve over committed or because we think it’s the right thing to do. Reality is if we’re not passionate, inspired or motivated to complete whatever task of goal in front of us, then we’ll either say it’s too hard and self-sabotage ourselves to fail. This behaviour is time wasting, destructive and not good for anyone. Make sure you’re ready to do it for yourself, and that you’ve put everything in place to see yourself succeed.
I’m fortunate in that my brain allows me to multi- task, that I can work well under pressure and my organisational skills are second to none. I love and thrive in a fast paced environment and can juggle it all. Granted I swear a lot, I get mad at times and smoke too much. This is how I get everything done though, which works for me. There are days where I want to do nothing other than read a book and watch the back log of Mad Men and Sons of Anarchy episodes I have waiting for me. That’s all OK as yes I too am human. I reward myself with things like this and factor them in and make time. Being able to reach and achieve your full potential does take time but once you realise and put in place a regiment, a time frame and utilise that to do list then I guarantee you too will start reaping the benefits of a structured and fulfilling life.
Ps – While I wrote this blog, I had some tunes pumping, a load of laundry on, I took a break to have a coffee and this is the one thing of many I have on my list of things to do today. I’d love your feedback and comments on what drives and motivates you, and if any of the items I’ve listed you can relate and resonate with.
Thanks for reading,
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