If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s the need to sharpen our creative thinking skills to stimulate cash flow. As the pandemic shows little signs of abetting and citizens across the world are faced with the greatest economic downturn of our time, the imperative to modify our approach to work and life has never been greater. Enter side hustle.
Though it may seem a bit odd to think of starting a busines now, times of crisis have often fuelled some of history’s greatest inventions. Super glue, tea bags and even the glorious chocolate chip cookie were all invented in times of war and desperation. As the old English proverb says, “necessity is the mother of invention.” It’s no surprise then, that some industrious individuals have recently seized the chance to embrace their creativity and turned their passion into a profitable enterprise.
As COVID-19 has dramatically changed the demand for goods and services, we talk to three women who have turned their creative talents into trades during these testing times.
From Nurse to Pet Portrait Artist
Jeni is a nurse who has turned her artistic hobby into an income by drawing and painting pet portraits.
“After years of long hours nursing, and being a mum, it’s taken a pandemic and two lockdowns to make me realise I want to achieve my dream,” said Jeni.

Jeni had intentions to following a career in the arts but after travelling, she had a change of heart and studied nursing. She maintained her artistic endeavours as a hobby, which turned into a small income when a friend asked her to draw her pet dog. She relocated from the UK in January, which gave her the opportunity to her to follow her passion.
“I loved drawing as a hobby alongside nursing, not to make money. When I started the process to obtain my Australian nursing registration, I realised this was the perfect chance to get creative whilst not working. I popped a pet portrait post in my residential estate’s Facebook page received so many requests.”

Jeni set up her ABN and website, and has enough work now to draw and paint full time, although as soon as her nursing registration comes through, she plans to do both. Her ultimate dream is to show her work in an exhibition and have her daughters visit.
“The lockdown got my creativity flowing and I’m working on some pieces with my daughter that I hope will be my first art to sell, other than my pet portraits.”
From School Photographer to Sugar Cookie Baker
Michelle launched a baking business Shell’s Sugar Cookies after she was stood down from her job as a School Photographer in March.
“I have loved baking since I was a kid and have been doing so on and off for years. Weekend cookie batches, afternoon muffins and that sort of thing,”she said.

Michelle made cookies for her engagement party and soon started baking for friends and family.
“They were all really encouraging, so I just went for it.”

Michelle has been run off her feet during Melbourne’s prolonged lockdowns. She has been baking non-stop. Although she has a job to go back to after COVID-19, Michelle will keep her cookie business going on the side.
From Teacher’s Aide to Mask Maker
Mariana is a Teacher’s Aide who has transitioned to remote teaching for the second time due to Melbourne’s ongoing lockdowns. She is also a talented seamstress and manages her clothing brand Bobbins n Bliss on the side.

Bobbins n Bliss allows Mariana to create whilst providing her family with an extra income when needed. Her business however, unexpectedly boomed once face coverings were announced as mandatory for Melbourne and Mariana quickly found herself inundated with orders to buy her 3-layer fabric masks.

“I received just under 400 orders for masks and I was struggling to keep up. My intention was to help everyone feel safe, but I found myself a little overwhelmed. I also ran out of elastic and it seems there’s no elastic to be found anywhere in the world!” said Mariana.
Hobby-to-hustle business planning in a COVID-19 landscape
A common phrase we keep hearing throughout this crisis is that “things will get a lot worse before they get better” and right now it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, particularly for those living in Victoria. However, nothing lasts forever and we know at some point, the world will recover from this relentless virus. For now, as each month moves slowly into the next, perhaps your hobby could ride the pandemic tide and develop into a thriving business too? Time to get your creative juices flowing.
Have you turned your passion project into a side hustle during COVID-19? Or perhaps you’ve discovered the launch of another resourceful initiative during this crisis. Let us know by leaving a comment below.