Author’s Introduction..
While the title probably should be “Romance in the time of”…. (and I could likely write a best seller in that sector), I haven’t really said much about how this time has effected our business, myself and those around us during this time doing business during COVID-19.
If someone had told me that in my lifetime, I’d have been a part of a fair dinkum’ Pandemic, I’d have told them they were dreamin’ and to move right along. We’ve running water, there aren’t people pouring chamber pots over their balconies (well not where I live any way) and anything slightly related to a “pandemic”, well it makes me think of these guys below. This isn’t what I’ve been experiencing either because I actually live and work in a bubble (more about that later)..

Well shit.. here we are and in well 2020, what a massive C….. OVID-19 you’ve been… Not loving you at all!! I thought by now there would be flying cars or something and breakthroughs in all the things and that there’d be talking dogs.. P.S Jetson’s you lied to us all!

People have lost jobs, owners business’, folks had to pivot (yes I hate that word, but for all intensive purposes, I’ll use it).. We’ve seen travel restricted, lives lost, have all coped or not coped in a particular way, and nearly all government leaders have been giving us shit and confusing advice. The messages have been mixed and I feel have gone around in circles a hell of a lot. It’s been confusing, there have been tears and also a lot of difficult conversations and if you didn’t know already.. I legit had a nervous breakdown (in case the “shaving my head Brittney style”, didn’t give it away for you).. But, it seems I’m not alone, but I write this from a better place as a human and business owner than I was a few weeks ago and I’ll explain why (but I’m going installments – chapters if you will so I can chronicle it without losing your attention.
I’ll warn you, this story isn’t for the faint of heart. There are up’s, there are downs, there are surprises lurking at every corner and then there are some parts which are just really stressful and shit BUT it’s real, it’s an account of the parts behind the scenes that happen in and with business, but I think I can say there is some Disney -esque stuff in here (but of course)… So as we navigate thru doing business AND you’re keen to come along for the ride – check back next Sunday night for more. Together let’s embark on this journey dear reader, for what will forever be know as that “( insert relevant Adjective here) time for Business in the time of Covid-19″…..

About Chrissy

Chrissy Symeonakis is the Founder of Creative Little Soul and Managing Director. She is a published author, writer with a background in journalism, public relations, marketing and social media management (to name a few other things, and some we shall never speak of because her Dad reads this page too). Friend to woodland creatures, lover of all things Disney and realist when it comes to business. Tough on the outside, but with a generous and kind heart. Here to help make the world of business better for everyone; including herself (and is kinda digging this writing about herself in the third person now)…