Really good content – Timeless AF

I’m going to come out and straight say that this isn’t a blog but more a rant. I’m pretty fired up currently and while most people say sometimes it’s best to sit on something, think about it and then revisit, I’ve never been one to heed that advice. I’ve always been one that shoots from the hip and well if I’m fired up and something bothers me, sometimes I see it better to get it off my chest and say it.

My Dad of all people will probably be shaking his head right now, saying “be quiet” and I’ve been pulled in my past bosses before because I’ve said things that perhaps might have been worded better or there wasn’t enough “rainbows and sunshine attached”. I’m all for both, but sometimes a spade needs to be called a spade and people need to be called out on poor behaviour and shitty etiquette. If anything getting this out of my head might make me feel and sleep better.

I guess the benefit of being a business owner, one with my own ethos and ethics means I can  have a set of rules and criteria I like to live and work by- namely the biggest being don’t be a shitty human being, and of course be professional!

So what’s grinding my gears exactly.. Shall we commence?

Let me start by saying that I have great relationships with my staff and clients. I might be seen as being tough, but I get stuff done though and always with the end game at hand. My job is to take people outside of their comfort zones and to make them uncomfortable. To get a positive result for them in business, support them and shake things up. I am a fixer upper! Its what I’ve always done and I do it well. I am mindful that some people don’t adapt well to change and I’m always pretty understanding of the different personalities and never want to upset anyone. If we’re working together we’re on the same team.

We might have misunderstandings, there might be a breakdown in conversation or things build up and then an airing happens. It’s usually the best thing that can happen as there needs to be in any relationship trust and respect. If there are neither then we can’t work together.

I actually say no to working with business and clients I don’t think I’ll mesh well with, if we don’t get along or that I’m not into what they’re doing. I’ve even told people to get themselves sorted, have everything ready to go and have their head in the game then come to me. I don’t want to just take your money (which lots of other companies are quite happy to do, to over charge and do nothing). If we’re playing together then it’s all in and we’re going to kick some arse.

I’ve always been an “all in” kinda gal and still am. I might seem brash or ball breaking but I get results and I can assure you will give 110% and some because that’s just how I am. Am I emotional of course, because I”m passionate about what I do and take pride in it too. My clients wins are my wins, but I’m totally cool hanging behind closed doors, because I don’t need to have my name in lights for doing stuff, just pay me and let me do my thing. I am not driven my ego, or money but more because I like to help people.

The weekend just gone I put a tonne of hours in getting stuff done because it’s busy and being busy means having a job and the means to be able to support myself. I work so that I have complete flexibility over my health and also use my skills and services to help people that need them. I enjoy this and I love seeing ideas and concepts come to fruition. It’s awesome to see people excited and also that sometimes some of the crazy shit that comes out of my mind people go for, and it actually pays off.

In business and small business when it get’s quiet right, some places look to save dollars by cutting marketing. It’s the worst thing they could possibly do and they fuck themselves royally! I’ve seen it happen in many places I’ve worked previously were in fact when it’s the low season or a lull you take time to map out, plan and strategise.  You shoot yourself in the foot by looking to save a quick few bucks here as then you’re running behind the game. None the less I’ve walked out of jobs because they’ve tried this or advised me that they were cutting back my team, and inevitably they went on to not live a very fruitful business life after I left. Business suicide if you will. But people think they know better, they don’t always do.

My clients are awesome though and we’ve had consistent activity and where their counterparts are dead, they’ve been calling me to tell me that they’re fully booked out on certain nights, in advance and to not promote too much as they’re busier than ever. Awesome! Well done team!

I’ve 2 past clients who I worked with that stopped working with me and my partners because they sighted cost as an issue (PS we’re really cheap in comparison to other companies and we get an awesome return and result) but anyway,  if you don’t trust me and you want to go down this path,  I’ve no problems telling you you’re going to hurt yourself.

So onward and forwards we go to new customers, achievements and goals. I’m amicable and wish them well. But here’s the thing..  These now past clients of mine are using content I created whilst working for them on their social media now and consistently since we parted ways.

Using posts I created and boosting them, re sharing them or simply copying and pasting word for word to promote new and up coming events.  While the content was created whilst I was contracted and working for them and so technically it’s their IP to me it seems like a bit of a dog move.

I will take it as a straight up compliment as well as being pissed off, because it says to me that the content I created both visually and written is so concrete solid it’s still relevant and stands the test of the time. You’ve got that shit locked! What it also says to me too is that the ex customer see’s that there is value in digital copy and content but that they don’t want to pay for it.

But wait a minute– they paid for the content and creative right and technically it belongs to them right.. Yes it does but in my eyes to claim the poor house, and in one instance say point blank “Oh we’re not seeing a return or think it’s working” well  to you sir.. I call bullshit!

So while initially angry, examples of this make me aware that like  a diamond what we do and create is timeless. That good marketing and collateral is an investment but while it’s all good and well to re purpose and circulate, not using other facets of marketing strategies into your campaigns means you’re still behind and always going to be.

So to these people and others out there that still use my procedures and policies, that still do things the way that “Chrissy used to do it”, and my SOP”s are still actively in place years and years on!  I’d actually like to thank you that with your initial shitty moves, you’ve made me realise something. Why, let me thank you for being my biggest supporters.  Reminding me that the investment I made in myself and my abilities is the best one I ever made thus far!  It seems under pressure I just keep getting better and betterl. Like a diamond (if you will)  and my work is tidy and timeless AF! standing the test of time. And well, seriously who  doesn’t like diamonds right??

I think y’all just inspired my next and necessary tattoo (when I get my next pay check of course).

Sincerely yours and always direct,
