Why outsource?

Sitting down to write this I was conscious that I didn’t want this to come across as a “Vote 1 for Creative Little Soul”.  I didn’t want to feel like I was that kid putting their hand up, begging to be picked for all over red rover  at school. Where they made 2 people superior, essentially giving them all the power and popularity. Where  you were picked based on build, athletic skill or whatever it was you were meant to be good at. God I hated those days, and clearly I still find this memory traumatic.

But  before I regress back to some horrible childhood sports team trauma, let me first and foremost say this isn’t some advertorial based sales pitch telling you to instil our services. Surely you know me well enough by now to know I take the direct pitch and approach! We’re about adding value and information to your life too. So read on, friends.

Outsourcing as we move on in life and business is  becoming more popular and common place, and it’s largely what we do. Freelance, contract, project management – whatever you want to call it, it’s essentially one and the same. You’re bringing in someone or a team of people who are right for the task to undertake a job and get it done.  

Too often we find that there are people in roles that have zero right, training or background to be there. “Social media guru” and  “marketing manager” are some pretty loose terms and roles thrown around.  People mean well and often it comes down to $$$, doesn’t it always? Our gal pal Kate Cook expanded on it further a few weeks ago, discussing why people just need to stop calling themselves experts and why students aren’t bonfire legends of the game. The game is forever changing; we don’t know everything either, and we’re learning too. The beauty of a forever changing platform huh.

Let me explain it to you like this – you need some work done on your bathroom. You without issue or a second thought don’t think twice about getting in a plumber, an electrician or anyone with the suitable title and qualifications in to do the job. Then why in your office and business think it’s ok to get someone that’s “used social media” or “knows their way around a computer” to “post a few things”.

People, just because I can use a tap and spend time in the bathroom doesn’t make me qualified to undertake the work and job. Why is it that we let people with no know how in to do things?  It’s actually a massive sore point for me, and I see so many people out there that could be doing so much better, if they just put a value on this.

Okay, mini rant over. But speak to anyone in my role or who liaises with these people and they’ll tell you the struggle is real.

For a lot of venues and small business, having access to experienced and quality marketing, social media, copy and content, web and graphic design and largely creative or business services isn’t something they can justify on a full time basis. Most people know it’s necessary, but they don’t have the time to spend or allocate on it and  just need help. They can’t do everything themselves but hiring full-time staff members may not be an option.  This is why there are people like us and others around, and the structure suits everyone involved.

While the benefits of outsourcing are many, here are just a few.

  1. You don’t have to worry about the new hiring and recruitment process. Looking to hire the right person with the right skillset and job skills is difficult. Trust me, I’ve hired staff in the past and while you can teach people to do things, time is money. Posting an add, going through applicants (largely a lot who have no business applying for the job in the first place) and then interviews, reference checks, blah blah yawn. You get me here.

    It’s long winded and then once you find someone, you offer them the job and they’ve already taken an offer from someone else. How many times have you had this happen only to go back to the drawing board again? With outsourcing what you need done to a person with the skills you require, you have the knowledge and assurance they’ll get it done and do it well. That and you don’t have to waste all that extra time, money and resources.

  2. The extra costs are non-existent.  Annual leave, sick leave, penalty rates, insurance, leave loading, pro rata, meal breaks and all the stuff associated with having a physical on site employee are non-existent. You pay only for the job and time you require.  Add in Super too and the costs all start to add up. A huge bonus here alone.

  3. You had one thing to do!   When you’ve one thing in front of you and you have that to focus on, you can do it well and by well, I mean you can fricking own it. If you do the things you love and enjoy and have time to focus on just that, the end result will be much better. It goes from being an afterthought or a rush job to shining focus and the jewel in the crown.

  4. Things actually get done.How often do we say to ourselves, “I’ll get around to it”, “Yeah, we’ll do that” or “Add that to the to do list”. If you’re like me, you’ve probably things on your to do list that are still there (these are things in my personal life and home vs any needs of my clients) but the moral of the story is, we’ve the best intentions to get shit done, and it doesn’t happen. By shifting the load and allocating tasks you either don’t want to do or don’t have the time or skill to, they’re actually getting completed and you’re being much more productive. We can’t always do everything ourselves. Asking for help is not a weakness.

  5. If it doesn’t work out the break up is easier. – One of the beautiful things about having casual or contract relationships means that the relationship is for the life of the job. (dependant on the contract and arrangement, of course). By entering into business relationships with contractors or third parties,you don’t have to work with them again if their work sucks, you don’t like them, or if the work isn’t’ to your standard. If they don’t like you, the same token applies.

    There’s no red tape or hoops to jump through, you don’t have to worry about all the laws and legislation in place there for the employee, and while it might sound like an arsehole approach to take, if you’ve ever met someone that’s in a role they’re in and shouldn’t be, you’ll know it’s much harder to fire someone than it is to hire them. (Obviously there are some guidelines here for both parties to conduct business, but I hope you get my drift. If you want more information about contractor/supplier relationships and agreements let me know.

  6. Use YOUR time more efficiently and effectively
    Not to sound horrible, but if there are menial jobs and tasks someone else can be doing to allow you to do other more important things, then that’s a bonus enough there. Look at things that are taking up your time, which could be better spend on generating leads, business or meeting with clients – whatever you’re there to do and your strengths are and do that. It’s a better use of time and resources and you’ll find dollars too.

We’re moving forward  lifestyles where we pay for what we need when we need it in our personal lives, and so why not in business? What’s the difference? Spend your dollars smarter, and get the best result and return Try it, and if you don’t like it, you can revert back ye old ways from ye old days.  But I know and see the benefit in it;  as I know others do, otherwise we wouldn’t have a business or be writing this to you now.

Until next time..
