Well, no not really..
Social media is all about the over share. It’s the era that we live in; where we jump online and vent to anyone that will listen, take a picture of what we had for lunch. Where we can let our parents, stalkers, significant others and well anyone that cares know where we are and with who we’re doing it with. It’s where you can be an expert on anything or absolutely nothing, where a post or video could go viral in a matter of seconds, or wind turn up going unread or noticed for eons. Are we all slowly contributing to the over dumping of thoughts on the www super highway? Or are yours (and mine) useless musings and thoughts slowly attributing to the internet running out of space? Are we breaking the internet?Deep huh..
As writers, we like to hear sound of our own keyboard strokes ( that sounded dirty right?) but really I think we enjoy the freedom when we can open up our minds, getting out and dumping the many thoughts; floating around in our brains. For me I’ve just had a bag of skittles, so this realistically due to the sugar and endorphin brain flood.
Whatever the reason you write, you’ll know that by putting your thoughts on paper (or on a screen), your feelings or opinions in words it can be cathartic. That the very first time you allow anyone read your writing, it’s as though you’re allowing people to see deep into your soul. That very personal side of you, and while you’d think that it would get easier the longer you’ve been doing it, (and with somethings it really does) I know I still obsess, rewrite and make changes (and often) before I’m OK with anyone reading it or am truly happy with what I’ve done.
I’ve been sharing my writing, articles ranting and opinions online now, for about 15 years (probably longer if you don’t count what’s actually been penned) and as confident as I am, as well written as you think me to be, there are still times that I get incredibly nervous when I hit publish. I have a sounding board of critics and muses too, thank you for the part that you play.
Just when I think I’ve rewritten specific parts, caught all of the typos, (which I seldom do when it comes to my own work as any good writer will tell you )I’ll probably re read and go over a blog minimum 15 to 18 times after I’ve posted it, still picking and critiquing. Finally you stop obsessing, wondering what people think.You’re happy with what you’ve created. You can finally move on to. Only because it’s time to start the process and cycle all over again. If you’re creative minded or a perfectionist, then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about right now, that we’re our own toughest critics; both a blessing and a curse.
While some of you might know me personally, might have come in at different parts of my story or life. I thought I’d make this blog about me. “Not again”, I hear you say. “We know that you like pancakes and donuts, that you like Disney movies and have your own business. We know you lost your vision and that you have MS. We get it”. One of the beautiful things about the internet, is well given I have and host my own site (and this might seem self-absorbed), if no one else wants to read this, well at least it saves me having to phone my Dad. I thought I’d make this post one, about 10 things you may (or may not) know about me.
If you’ve nodded along to all 10 of them, then we’ve likely slept together, you were there when I was born or we have a matching tattoo. If not then let’s book in the tattoos, I’m about due for some more.
- I suffer social anxiety. While I am confident and outgoing, outspoken and social one thing you might not know is that I can be one of the socially inept people you might meet. I hate overcrowded places, going places where I’ve not been before. I have to be familiar with the surroundings and I hate going to clubs I haven’t been before. It’s probably why I always frequent then end up working at the ones I make my local.
- In school I was probably known for being a bully, I was loud, brash and opinionated. I was in fact bullied by others because of my weight. It has been something I have always been conscious off and even in my late 20’s was and is still something that people are nasty about which is probably one of the most horrible things you could be subject too.
- I am horrible at Math. When I was a child I was very gifted at literacy and was always seen as “bright”. My writing and spelling skills were top notch and there was a focus put on me to excel and succeed at that. I never had an interest in numbers and I would cheat in math and try and fake it best I could. Until this day, my math is basic and if it’s a real thing I think I have a form of numbers dyslexia. However if there is a $ in front of the numbers, I do surprisingly better though.
- I didn’t finish high school. In my final year I was kicked out and asked to leave. My attendance was poor, though my grades were really good. When I wanted to apply myself I could and would do well, but I likely wanted to sleep in. One of my teachers, along with the principle at the time told me I would amount to nothing. Throughout my life and career, have remembered those words and that memory to motivate, drive and push myself to succeed.
- Every year for as long as I can remember and even still an adult, I still read of my favourite child hood books “The Tales of the Magic Faraway Tree” by Enid Blyton. It reminds me of how creative the mind can be, and to never grow up.
- I despise the taste of mint anything (unless it’s in Vietnamese cooking ). So much that I would use Dora the Explorer kid’s toothpaste. Chewing gum makes me gag.
- I bite my nails. I have for as long as I can remember. I don’t remember doing it when I do but they always end up super short.
- Surprisingly I have never been arrested for anything. I do not have a criminal record.
- I have a gold crown over one of my teeth. I could have gone with a porcelain one but I opted for gold to have one like my grandmothers. My Yia Yia( grandmother in Greek) for as long as we were small children always had gold teeth. I would always ask her that when she died could she leave me her gold teeth. A few years ago, she had to have them removed, when she come back from Greece, the gold teeth that used to occupy her mouth, she had melted down and made into a pair of ear rings for me. While this might seem weird (or gross) it might be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. She is my most favourite person in the world.
I’d of written to number 10, but refer to point number 3. When I write, I do it for no one other than myself. I find it weird when people quote back my stories, tell me they read my writing or they enjoyed what I wrote. I’m flattered don’t get me wrong, but I often don’t remember writing it, my super conscious does it for me (I know that sounds kind of crazy, but if you’re creative you’ll understand).
At times can be exceptionally dry in my sense of humour, though I’m certain I probably think I’m funnier than I actually am.