Do It!!! Find a Job!!

Getting your break or foot in the door of the creative services industry, media or entertainment industry can be tough. Most recently I was on the lookout for a new assistant. How I despise recruitment. I’ve a pretty tough criteria when it comes to hiring staff and as perfectionist, I not only want someone who will work hard but will use their initiative but also make my life easier. While skill set is a huge percentage of the pre-requisite, attitude is by far the most important for me. Attitude you say as you read this? Surely you of all people are picky with attitude? If you’ve met me in person, you know my style can be direct, to the point and straight up. This is the way I’ve always been, and in the past it’s gotten me into trouble with past bosses or peers and my Dad. Quite often people miss interpret drive and directness for being a bitch or aggression, quite the contrary, I just don’t like to waste time on things of no benefit or beat around the bush.

I’m hard working, passionate and cut throat and want others to work as hard for me, as I work hard. Fact: You can teach anyone how to send an email or write a press release; unfortunately you cannot teach common sense or a good attitude. I’m happy to say I found an assistant who has very similar back ground and starting experience as I did. I’m looking forward to mentoring her and also having her take over some of my work load and attributing to my sanity levels hitting a normal level again. Already 3 days this week with both girls in the office has attributed to a much calmer me.

Working in fast paced and high stress work environments, to be successful to work under pressure and to get things done, you need to take up this change your perspective on things. Be self-motivated, self-driven and willing to learn. You need to always be learning, looking for ways to improve yourself and know your competition. Know what’s happening within the industry you’re a part of. Networking is key, socialising, self-promotion and forging and maintaining relationships is also essential. This all sounds tiresome and busy, yes it can be but it can also be rewarding and a very integral exercise. You are your best PR person, just ask yourself.
So how do you get your break? What do you do to get noticed? Here are a few tips on what might give you a bit of a competitive edge over the rest. Remember the hard sell of yourself comes down to the interview, your confidence and also the ability to sell yourself and what you can do. Bullshitters beware, you won’t get far and remember in niche industries everyone knows everyone quite well, so it pays to keep that in mind.

Apply for jobs you want.
Too often people bitch, complain and moan about the job there in. What bothers me more is that YOU are in control of your career and life path, so realistically are the only one that can change that environment. Don’t like the story, then re write the book. I’m yet to meet a person that loves every single part of their job, I hate spread sheets and monotonous boring stuff but I still have to do it but for the most part I love my job. Apply for jobs you want to do, at places you would like to work at and doing things you’re trained for or would enjoy. Applying for everything and everything is of no use to you, who in turn will be on a life long voyage seeking fulfillment in your career and you’re wasting time for the employer. Putting time into training you when you’re only going to leave. Someone who wanted the job could have been doing it and kick starting their career progression.
Be passionate and enthusiastic. Go for it, but don’t be desperate.

Volunteer or Intern.
A lot of students or grads come out of a degree or course with little or no real world experience. Stop the press. As an employer, we want to hire people who have experience in the real grown up world and love when you’ve had some form of basic training somewhere. Translated, it means you’re likely to be less socially inept, able to speak to people and also that you’re keen to learn and work. It’s a great way to add to your portfolio, see what you enjoy or don’t and also get some knowledge on the industry and people you want to be a part of. Internships can also lead to paid employment too. Gain experience at the places or in the industry’s you want to one day run. Use it as much for what you want to as they’re using you to go make coffee or fetch the mail.

Stand out from the crowd
Nothing annoys me more than receiving the boring Dear_______ letter. I’d like to apply for the advertised role of ________ as found on _________. Be unique, breathe some life into your letter and make an impression. I know where I advertised the job. I know you’ve applied for it. But why should I choose you? Why do you want to work here? What will you bring to the team and have you ever even been to our venue? Be passionate, be excited without being arrogant. Make me want to even read your CV and then want to talk to you in person!! Be creative! I dare you!

Go to clubs, venues, talk to people, ask them about their jobs and what they did to get where they are. Take a course, go back to school, volunteer. The list is endless. The biggest thing that annoys me about people and I know a few mean girls who were like this to me personally. They’d complain when someone got their supposing “dream job” yet they had no experience, no passion or qualifications. Or wait, did they even apply for it? After countless advice which fell on deaf ears, they wouldn’t go study or gain experience in that area to work towards their “dream” job. You can’t achieve if you don’t do. Focus your energy on yourself rather than worrying about what others are doing. Create your own opportunities; don’t just wait around for them, because you’ll continue to wait.

Where to Seek?
While Seek was great for job searching a while ago and yes there are some jobs listed on there still, seek where the creative’s list their jobs. Check out industry specific sites like: Create and register your profile. Awesome creative services roles across Australia – From fashion to pr, events and hospitality. Great intern roles listed here. – Linkedin jobs has some great roles listed you won’t find anywhere else – This is a one stop shop search engine which pulls all the jobs from around the place for you. Simply put in “creative” or any other header in the search function and volia.

Business’ often list jobs they’re looking for also on their website. Check out business’ you want to work at “employment” or “jobs” section on their website. Sign up for updates or send a register of interest. Some places have talent development departments where they’re job is to be on the lookout for the next best thing for their organisation.
Word of mouth and who you know is huge too, which brings me back to the networking and forging relationships comment. A lot of the time these roles need to be filled straight away and if you’re known of or about then you might just be that phone call before a job ever gets listed anywhere else.

The biggest piece of advice I can give job seekers in any industry is that the application letter and resume you’ve sent through is an interview in itself. Nothing bothers me more than incorrect spelling, not spelling my name correctly and the biggest fail in my eyes is not updating the cover letter to reflect the actual job your applying for, not one at a complete other venue!! To me this is a reflection of the job you’ll do for me. This is how you’ll reflect my business and also me. This is not only sloppy, but not cool. Take the time to check, read, proof read, edit and make sure you’ve updated everything. Yes I get your applying for every single job online (which brings me to my earlier point) but no one will hire you because you’re being inconsistent and lazy.
At the end of the day it comes down to experience, it’s hard to get experience if you have no experience. It’s tough to get a break if no one gives you a break, we get that. Work hard, be passionate and when you get said break, don’t mess it up!!!

Don’t forget to thank the people who’ve helped you become who you are along the way too. You’ll encounter great teachers and mentors who’ll make you the great and talented person you’ll turn out to be, if you stick at it. Don’t forget to thank these people. Most of the time they won’t realise the profound effect they had on you, but always credit where credit is due and don’t underestimate gratitude. You’ll also encounter those people who will teach you how to not do your job, how to not speak to people and inspire you to be anything but them. While these people are toxic and destructive they too teach us lessons too. We wind up leaving them to the way side and are grateful for the lesson but glad they’re gone from our lives and careers.

Good luck new generation. While you might know all aspects of social media, remember you don’t know it all. Learn, ask, research and go forth. Common sense should never be under estimated. Take on a work ethic of someone older than you and speaking when spoken too will get you a long, long way.

Leave a comment or feedback if you’ve got some of your own ideas, suggestions or experiences to draw on.
